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- ESP32-POE-16MB
Price | 19.95 EUR |
10 - 49 pcs | 17.96 EUR |
50 - 10000 pcs | 15.96 EUR |
ESP32-PoE is an ESP32-powered WIFI/BLE/Ethernet development board with Power-Over-Ethernet feature. It is the perfect addition to any project that requires connectivity.
The PoE is currently handled by TPS2375PW chip that is IEEE 802.3-compliant, including pre-standard (legacy) PoE support. The PoE powering requires at least 37V DC to operate successfully. The board takes power from the Ethernet cable and can be expanded with sensors and more. Perfect solution for Internet-of-Things projects.
Important notice: ESP32-POE has no galvano isolation from Ethernet's power supply, when you program the board via the micro USB connector the Ethernet cable should be disconnected (if you have power over the Ethernet cable)! Consider using Olimex USB-ISO to protect your computer and board from accidental short circuit (do not use external power for the USB-ISO!). Also consider instead using Olimex ESP32-PoE-ISO board which is insulated.
ESP32-POE-EA has ESP32-WROOM-32UE module with U.FL connector and external antenna attached.
ESP32-POE-IND and ESP32-POE-EA-IND use industrial grade components suitable for -40+85C operating temperature.
ESP32-POE-WROVER comes with ESP32-WROVER-E with 4MB flash and 8MB PSRAM, while ESP32-POE-WROVER-EA uses ESP32-WROVER-IE - notice that WROVER module requires two extra pins for the PSRAM - some software changes related to Ethernet and I2C might be required.
- ESP32 module with WIFI and Bluetooth (exact module depedns on the variant) WIFI/BLE module
- Ethernet 100Mb interface with IEEE 802.3 PoE support
- LiPo battery charger
- LiPo battery connector
- UEXT connector
- User button
- Reset button
- Micro USB with programmer for ESP32 programming
- MicroSD card
- Two extension connectors 0.1" step spaced at 1"
- PCB dimensions: (80 x 28)mm ~ (3 x 1)"
Demo softwareUSB drivers:
- ESP32-PoE doesn't work well with bauds over 115200. What to do?
- Some older drivers might have wrong timings, causing worse throughput. Download and install the latest drivers for CH340. If you are using Linux make sure to try with these drivers: high-speed driver for Linux
- Is it safe to have USB powering and PoE powering connected and enabled at the same time?
- No, it is not safe. Consider using ESP32-PoE-ISO instead.
- I got WROVER board and my Ethernet code and my I2C code doesn't appear to work. My device is broken, how do I return it?
- Your ESP32-POE-ISO-WROVER is not broken and we test each device with Ethernet, chances of broken device are very low. However, there is hardware difference in the pinout betwem boards with WROOM and WROVER modules - the WROVER module requires two extra pins for the PSRAM memory. One of the pins affects the Ethernet, the other - the I2C.
When WROVER module (instead of the default WROOM) is used then GPIO16 and GPIO17 are unavailable (both are used for the PSRAM inside the module). In that case we have set GPIO33 to go on UEXT1 pin #5 (instead of GPIO16). Also the clock for the Ethernet is now GPIO0 (instead of GPIO17). Modify your software for these differences.
- Where are I2C, UART, SPI pins exposed?
- The ESP32 chip has very advanced multiplexing and you can define any free GPIO pin for I2C, UART, SPI operation as long as you are within the maximum supported (some penalties to SPI's maximum freqncy apply, when not using the dedicated pins). Notice that some ESP32 pins can only be inputs. Defining pins is for another job is purely software effort.
- I provide 24V to the input of ESP32-PoE's Ethernet but it doesn't seem powered. What is the problem?
- TPS2375PW chip (Si3402-B in older revisions) would NOT work with 24V DC. The recommended voltage is 48V DC and the minimum is around 37V DC. For more info refer to TPS2375PW's datasheet.
- What current is available when the board is powered via the Ethernet connector (PoE)?
- The PoE circuit can safely provide up to 4W in total. Part of this wattage is used to power the ESP32 module, the battery charger, and other circuits part of the board design; the remaining wattage is available for additional circuits (up to around 3W). So you can use 3W for own circuits around 600mA @ 5V or 900mA @ 3.3V (combined draw from 3.3V and 5V lines shouldn't be more than 3W) safely.
- R42 gets very hot! What is this component? Is it safe? Can I remove it?
- This resistor is required by the IEEE standards. It is used for MPS (maintain power signature). Search online "maintain power signature poe" to get the general idea.
We didn't ensure MPS in the first hardware revisions of the board (e.g. had no resistor R42 in place), but this caused availability problems when using some power saving modes - the board consumed less wattage than PoE equipment can detect, which led to PoE equipment shutting the board off.
If you have soldering experience and the resistor bothers you, you might try desoldering it and see if that effects your setup negatively. Notice that we don't recommend doing so.