
MOD-ENV is environmental sensor measuring digitally Temperature, Humidity, air Pressure, indoor air quality C02
15.95 EUR

Infra Red high precision non-contact temperature measurement sensor module for UEXT connector or breadboard
9.95 EUR

3-axis magnetometer module with MAG3110 and UEXT connector; the MAG3110 is a small, low-power digital 3-D magnetic sensor with a wide dynamic range to allow operation in PCBs with high extraneous magnetic fields.
4.95 EUR

3-axis accelerometer board with AT91SAM7S64 ARM7 microcontroller and USB interface and flash memory for logging
15.95 EUR

MOD-MPU9150 is 9-axis motion tracking device with UEXT connector ready to plug in any of our boards with UEXT.
13.95 EUR