
Open Source Hardware Low-cost 32 bit PINGUINO DUINOMITE development board
Price | 19.95 EUR |
The special T-form of this board allow it to snap-on BREADBOARD-1 and to supply directly the VCC and GND to the Breadboard bus. It is perfect for fast breadboarding with Jumper Wires
- PIC32MX795F512H 80 Mhz microcontroller 512KB Flash 128KB RAM , 3x SPI, 4x I2C, USB OTG, 1MSPS ADC, PMP 80Mhz digital capture, 5 TIMERS/CCP, 53 GPIOs
- USB-OTG supporting both host and device function allowing the implementation of Google Android ADK
- UEXT connector which allows the connection of many existing modules with RF, ZIGBEE, GSM, GPS functionality
- Two LEDs
- Reset button
- A Mini USB connector is used which is common and used in most cell phones, so you do not have to buy additional cables
- All PIC ports are available on 0.1" connectors
- ICSP connector for programming with PIC-KIT3
- Dimensions 87x54 mm (3.4x2.12")
- PIC32-T795 Rev_A schematic in PDF format
- PIC32-T795 Rev_B schematic in PDF format
- PIC32-T795 schematic and board file Rev_B in Eagle format released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
Pinguino IDE related:- DUINOMITE IDE files:
- PINGUINO IDE original bootloader used during production
- GitHub software
- General purpose examples:
- Customer project with MOD-WIFI note that this requires a PIC32-compatible programmer
- Customer project with MOD-WIFI note that this requires a PIC32-compatible programmer
- MPIDE related:
Do not use the "programmer-to-go" button when there is no image on the OLIMEX PIC-KIT3 or MICROCHIP PIC-KIT3 because that might put your microcontroller in an irrecoverable state. We have tested the mentioned scenario and we can confirm it destroys PIC32 chips (using both our and the original Microchip PICKIT3). We don't take responsibility if you break your chip that way. For more info check the following: www.microchip.com/forums/m635420.aspx.