
Header board for LPC2294 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller with 1MB SRAM and 4MB flash memory
Price | 39.95 EUR |
10 - 49 pcs | 35.96 EUR |
50 - 10000 pcs | 31.96 EUR |
- MCU: LPC2294 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI-S™t with 256K Bytes Program Flash, 16K Bytes RAM, EXTERNAL MEMORY BUS, RTC,4x 10 bit ADC 2.44 uS, 2x UARTs, 4x CAN, I2C, SPI, 2x 32bit TIMERS, 7x CCR, 6x PWM, WDT, 5V tolerant I/O, up to 60MHz operation
- 1MB (256Kx32bit) 12 ns 71V416 SRAM
- 4MB (2048Kx16bit) 70ns TE28F320C3BD70 C3 INTEL FLASH
- Standard JTAG connector with ARM 2x10 pin layout for programming/debugging with ARM-JTAG
- USB to RS232 convertor, board can take power only from USB port
- Two on board voltage regulators 1.8V and 3.3V with up to 800mA current
- Optional single power supply: +5VDC required if not connected to USB port
- Power supply and status LED
- Power supply filtering capacitor
- Slide switch for ICSP-RUN mode
- Slide switch for Boot mode from external internal flash
- RESET circuit with exterman control of Philips ISP utility via USB-RS232 virtual port
- RESET button
- DBG jumper for JTAG enable
- BSL jumper for bootloader enable
- JRST jumper for enable/disable external RESET vontrol by RS232
- Removable crystal on socket (default 14.7456 Mhz crystal installed)
- Extension headers for all uC ports with IDC34 connectors (easy obtainable as used for HDD and Floppy on all PCs)
- PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), green soldermask, white silkscreen component print
- Example for Olimex ODS IDE that can be downloaded from here
- Native hardware support by eCOS the anonymous eCos CVS tree has this target inside 'olpch2294' eCos target . Here is the link to eCos 3.0 the anouncement . The instructions how to install eCos 3.0 on Linux and Windows
- Test software and basic routines for access to the external Flash/Sram
- Blink LED for EW-ARM 5.41
- RS232 echo for EW-ARM 5.41
- External Memory test demo code for EW-ARM 5.41
- OpenOCD + Eclipse project for LPC-H2294