
PIC16F84 /16F628 programmer and prototype development board
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- This board is everything you need for getting started with the PIC microcontrollers programming. It has on board power supply voltage regulator circuit, microcontroller's reset circuit, crystal oscillator circuit, LED, EEPROM memory, RS232 serial port interface, second RS232 port with build in programmer, so you can program your microcontroller without taking off the board. There is an additional ICSP port which you can use to program PICs on other boards.
- PIC16F84A-20MHz microcontroller or PIC16F628A-20Mhz
- ICSP connector and cable for programming other PICs in-circuit
- DIL18 pin microcontroller socket
- Voltage regulator 78L05 and filtering capacitors
- Crystal oscillator circuit 20MHz
- Status red LED
- I2C EEPROM 24LC08 or larger
- Reset circuit
- Two RS232 DB9 connectors
- RS232 interface circuit
- RS232 serial port programming interface circuit
- Extension on board slot 14 pins for RA0-RA3, RB0-RB7, TMR, MCLR
- Grid 100 mils
- GND bus
- Four mounting holes 3.3 mm (0,13")
- FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), double side green soldermask, white silkscreen component mark
- Dimensions 61x76 mm (2,4x3,0") + 30 cm (12") ICSP cable
- PIC-PG4.pdf - Users Manual
- NOTE: The programmer may not work with low power serial interfaces - i.e. laptop or notebook serial ports. USB to serial cables have also not been proven to work.
- ICPROG from Bonny Gijzen freeware for programming many PICs, sometimes it doesn't work on some computers read here why.
- PICPgm freeware PIC programming software by Christian Stadler supports many PICs and is officially supporting our PIC-PG1/2/4 and PIC-PG3
- WinPIC - Great new software by Wolfgang "Wolf" Bnscher. Supports all the popular flash PICs, as well as many of the newly released PICs! Use this software for support for the 16F628A, 16F87, and 16F88.
- FREE HI-TECH's C compiler to develop your programs
- 16F628 sample code written in c2c compiler kindly provided by Pavel Baranov
- My computer has no RS232. Can I use a USB to RS232 converter with PIC-PG4?
- No, the USB to RS232 converters add delay due to the USB nature and this will mess up the programming timings. If you want a USB programmer consider the PIC-KIT3.