XMEGA Web Browser Serial API chat messaging
Simple chat messaging between 2 PC's using OLIMEX PX128A1 board running XMEGA acorn micro-kernel. Two UART chennels are used to connect 2 PCs that run Chrome browser Chat UI as clients written in vuejs.
Opensesame, or German: "Sesam, öffne dich" is an awesome home automation software with focus on door/garage entry.
Olimex-A20 internal VPN monitoring environment
This monitors the internal sub-system for the server environment at home that include UPS, cloud storage, network equipment, small file share with SATA HDD, temperature, cascade fans RPM, remote control and PI-Hole DNS.
Implementation of MIX as proposed in "The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1" by Donald E. Knuth.
Runs on iCE40HX8K-EVB using only FOSS Hard- and Software.
Backup Server
Fully automatic backup server, for laptops, phones and servers
Ubuntu Pi-Hole
Pi-Hole configured on Ubuntu beaver with personal bash scripts:
F450 Drone Flight Controller
I used the Olimex PIC32HMZ dev board to develop a flight controller for an F450 drone. This controller uses the FrSky XM+ receiver decodes the SBus and a Digilent PmodNAV board as the IMU. It has angle mode and Acro mode. There are three sensor fusion algorithms that were tested, complimentary filter, Madgwick’s gradient descent and an Extended Kalman Filter. Flies great! Just wanted to say thank you to Olimex for designing the perfect dev board for this application!
Microirrigation control
Hardware, firmware and software that allows you to control from web browser (smartphone-friendly) a remote relay appliance, like micro-irrigation valves. The project is written in PHP and C and the software/webserver part runs on Linux. The remote relay is design to consume low current, so that it can run on battery power for a long time.
It aims to be a professional access control device.
Use cases:
* Garage door opener.
* Safe switch.
* Clocking machine.
Main characteristics:
* Asymmetric encryption algorithm libsodium: https://download.libsodium.org/doc/
* Unlimited users per device.
* Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware updates. The updates are transparent through users normal utilization. For example, when users open a garage door they send firmware chunks transparently. When all chunks are received, virkey hardware switches to new firmware version. This feature is crucial to fix potential security or functionality flaws.
* Supports complex time restriction rules.
* Android and iOS app (they are free but not open-source right now).
Light Media Center
A simple, light & fast collection of scripts, configuration files and web code to implement a basic media center capable to run on single board computers like OLinuxino
Standalone magnetic levitatio system

This is actually my thesis for the master's degree, powered by Olimex STM34-E407 dev board
Network MIDI Encoder Gateway Processor
It is a MIDI controller to build a pipe organ console. More generally it serves to integrate a MIDI complex system.
The internal devices are connected via USB or GPIO. MIDI communication with the outside world takes place in many ways:
- Ethernet
- USB master role
- USB slave role on OTG port
The internal devices can be statically or dynamically mapped in order to establish a bidirectional communication with the outside world. You can apply various event processing rules.
Finally MIDI over Ethernet opens the door to wireless networks.
USB HID Keyboard
USB HID Keyboard based on the Olimex LPC-P1343
Can be used with (foot)swiches toserve as extra keyboard input.
SST - Souliss Smart Thermostat WiFi
Souliss Smart Thermostat is a smart WiFi thermostat, connected to the network, using Souliss framework.
Github main project - https://github.com/mcbittech/souliss-smart-thermostat-WiFi
Souliss project - http://souliss.github.io
Component used in this project:
-Olimex ESP8266-EVB
-ILI9341 with SPI connection, via UEXT connector
-Rotary Encoder with pushbutton & status LED
-DHT22 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
iMX233-OLinuXino-MAXI VGA Generation
I configured the Linux kernel to enable the LCD controller on an i.MX233 processor and configured it with VGA timings. I pushed this through an R/R2 DAC and into a monitor. The results were great!
You can find the required kernel patches and build instructions in the blog post.
Self Hosting Web Server
Creating a self web hosting server with a Olimex A20 and using two usb keys as a Raid1 system.
Good performance for a personal usage :-)
Sorry for reposting the project. The link to the original project is broken because BerliOS was closed.
Hobby Operating System for Microcontrollers!
Max7219 e Olimexino 85
Olimexino 85 control a LED matrix based on Max7219
Installiamo l'Olimexino 85 nell 'IDE di Arduino
Una piccola guida su come aggiungere la board Olimexino85 all' IDE di Arduino versione 1.6.5.
Android RFID Reader Demo
This app requires that the USB Host(aka OTG) feature is enabled on your phone/tablet.
I had to root my own tablet to enable OTG.
The user interface consists of a scrollable text area for output from the RFID reader and a single scan "Read" button.
In continuous scan mode the button is disabled.
Scan mode, timing parameters and LED state are set in a preference activity launched from the Settings menu item.
I wrote this app as an educational exercise in the use of various features of the Android platform. It is a work in progress, so check the link for newer versions of the .apk file.
ESP8266-EVB app for Android with stream Video
Stream Video app for Android with menu for switch light by ESP8266-EVB. Also on GitHub OS code for RPi Video Server and ESP-HTTPD with POST api and scan of local WiFi network.
Installing Debian from scratch
Install Debian on your Lime2 using nothing but Debian binaries you know you can trust! While existing images are probably a little easier and more tuned for the board still, and also based on this distro, there's something to be said for using software directly provided by a project as well run as the Debian project.
Building digital photo frames for family and friends using open-source hardware and free software.
Olimexino 85 controlla il motore passo passo 28BYJ-48 con modulo ULN2003A
Olimexino 85 control stepper motor 28BYJ-48 with module based on ULN2003A
PIC32MX220D Code Generator

A few weeks ago I purchased a board PIC32-Pinguino-MX220 and started working on it.
As I was new to PICs 32 microcontrollers, I started searching code and samples on the internet, besides reading the user manual and the library pdf to have the minimum code to make a led to blink and understand how this pic32 family works.
I started thinking that lots of people must overtake the same boring tasks before having the board fully functional.
Then I started writing an application that generates code automatically for me and my colleagues. The application was a success and everybody started saying that Olimex should be interested in this application.
I am sending a pdf that I would like Mr Usunov to have a view and see if this kind of application has some interest for Olimex.
I am attaching a project so that it can be open on the MPLABX environment. The files .c and .h generated by the application are ADCDrv, CoreTimerDrv, GPIODrv, PWMDrv, UARTDrv and configurator.xml.
To connect the board to the computer I used a USB-Serial-Cable-F
Project files are available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-bAEPML8fwleDVORVFMZ2puRWM/edit?usp=sharing
Project description is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-bAEPML8fwleDVORVFMZ2puRWM/edit?usp=sharing
Olimexino 85 send a SOS signal

Olimexino 85 blink a SOS signal with a Keyes 3W LED module.
How build Olimexino 85 kit

How build Olimexino 85 kit
Telescope Controller

This is work in progress,
I currently have a telescope controller that I made and that uses two A328P AVR micro controllers
It was a fun challenge, but I maxed the capacity of the chips
So I'm currently in the process of migrating the code to AVR-HX128-A1
this will allow for improvements like:
* Bigger star catalog
* LCD display
* Joystick
* Better alignment method

OLinuXino A20 is used as frame grabber using EasyCap USBTV and RC11 remote wireless. This system is connected to old analog video sources to produce digital output to print or store. In many cases, change of integrated equipments to produce video streams is very expensive (es: medical equipments, measuring instruments), so one of solutions is acquire analog and produce digital.
FOSDEM-85 as a desk thermometer

The ATTiny85 internal chip sensor of the FOSDEM-85-penguin is used for measuring the room temperature. The two eye-leds display the temperature with a blink code. Therefore the green power led is cut from VCC and soldered to PB2 data pin.
The penguin is powered by a CR2032 cell and so all is done to reduce the power consumption.
We are Engineering student in electronic and computer science and we work on a project using the A20-olinuxino name "the cowbox".
This project is a hand-held standalone server containing in a little box, broadcasting its own network and containing web applications for coworking. These web applications for example are an etherpad, an ethercalc, a scrum tool and you can also share files via local ftp by wifi.
It was already done on a raspberry but we want to put it on a more performing platform and using the A20 Olinuxino.
Wiki : http://ideelibre.fr/cowbox/index.php/Main_Page
tumblr : cowboxisen.tumblr.com
tweeter : @cowbox_isen
Temperature monitors
I have build two different temperature monitoring projects with Olimex boards. First was a storage room temperature monitoring system with LPC-E2129 (a bit old board now) using DS1820 sensor. Another one is a compost temperature monitor with MSP430-CCRF board. Both systems send temperature data to my database, first one uses LAN and UDP packets, second one uses wireless network. Wireless one is also battery-powered.
All code is BSD-licensed, available at github or at my site.
Pinguino Control
Pinguino Control is an Android Application that controls an Olimex Pinguino PIC32 OTG board in real time, offering the possibility to act on every input and output available of this platform. The user can set Ports/Pins to input or outputs, plus setting their logic state. This App also offers control over the Analog Outputs (PWM) and monitoring of all Analog Inputs implemented on the board. Feedback is also provided, so the user can see what is happening in the board, regardless if it was caused by interaction with the App or directly on the hardware.
Olimex mod-io2 standalone firmware for simple building automation. This project target is to do something useful with Olimex mod-io2 module used standalone. The module is based on Microchip PIC16F1503 and has 2 rele and 6 general purpouse I/O.
It compiles with MPLAB X IDE v1.80 and Microchip XC8 (v1.12) C compiler. Use Olimex PIC-KIT3 for in-circuit programming end debugging.

free and open Microcontroller Operating System Tool, support for SAM7-X256 and SAM7-LA2
STB Zombifier

SetTopBox zombification using PIC32-PINGUINO-OTG
DIOS Forth for PIC32 Duinomite-mini
32-bit Forth for PIC32mx795, module Duinomite mini. New words can be compiled to RAM or Flash memory.
RTC support for Olimexino-STM32
RTC support for the STM32 chip inside the Olimexino-STM32.
Espruino - Java Script interpreter for OLIMEXINO-STM32

Java Script interpreter for STM32 works with OLIMEXINO-STM32
Here is video how Espruino controls <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cBNlih7QH84#" target="_blank" > Stepper motor </a>
and here is video for wireless control of <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aDz7tK0Cz4&feature=youtu.be" target="_blank" >Servo motor</a>
OLinuXino PLC project

This project turns iMX233-OLinuXino into PLC. For now MODBUS and I2C chips communication is implemented. MOD-IO is used as IO module.
LDmicro turns MOD-IO in ladder logic PLC

LDmicro is free ladder logic editor which is capable to generate HEX code for PIC and AVR based on the ladder logic schematic.
LED Frequency Analyzer

LED frequency analyzer using TI ek-lm4f120XL and MOD-LED8x8