IRC #olimex 2022-05-19

[18:30:47] <bill-auger> a few notes about the latest olimex debian system:
[18:31:34] <bill-auger> it seems to re-do the auto-configure on every boot - "overlay configuration changed - the system should be restarted"
[18:32:46] <bill-auger> the manual tells of a command `olinuxino`; but commadn not found
[18:33:18] <bill-auger> the same with the `change_display` script, that is mentioned on the wiki
[18:37:01] <bill-auger> the `olinuxino-display` command is there; but all of the options are for LCD panel display - can i change the HDMI display resolution via the system commands? or does that need to be done in u-boot?