IRC #olimex 2018-06-22

[10:48:27] <leon-anavi> morning
[11:50:29] <marcellus> hi
[11:51:50] <marcellus> I recently received my teres I and wanted to compile the mainline kernel for it, I found a lot of helpful information on the forum, however I can't figure out how to get the internal flash to work, can one of you tell me which kernel modules are required for the device node to show up?
[12:28:30] <marcellus> I get "mmc2: Card stuck being busy! mmc_poll_for_busy"
[12:28:41] <marcellus> adding broken-hpi doesn't change that
[12:49:38] <MoeIcenowy> marcellus: check whether the device tree's power configuration is proper?
[23:49:22] <Simonious_> has anyone done bluetooth things on the ESP32-EVB from olimex?
[23:49:27] <Simonious_> I'm looking for a starting point..
[23:50:56] <Simonious_> I've been looking at this stuff: /esp-idf/examples/bluetooth but so far I haven't been able to get it to do anything on the olimex target