IRC #olimex 2016-05-15

[12:31:39] <bizarrefish> Lo all
[12:32:03] <bizarrefish> Is there a something I need to do to switch on the rtc in the A20-OLinuXino-LIME?
[12:32:10] <bizarrefish> it's not currently running at all
[12:32:25] <bizarrefish> Just sitting at the same date
[12:34:04] <bizarrefish> Oh wait, setting it once made it start running
[12:34:06] <bizarrefish> .:)
[14:27:15] <TT> hi is anybody there have just ordered something and realized i would like to include extra items
[16:13:15] <bizarrefish> looks like there's an issue with the a20 rtc wakeup signal, in that it's not waking up
[16:14:11] <bizarrefish> pm_test 'core' test works fine, but rtcwake never wakes up