IRC #olimex 2014-03-31

[06:11:53] <jlumme> Anybody around who might know how to start debugging why VDD4P2 is giving us roughly 1V? It's a fresh imx233, and custom design. We're powering the board with 5V and want to use VDD4P2 for flash
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[12:35:25] <diegomos> Good morning
[13:02:37] <diegomos> Who have A13 WiFi board
[13:02:37] <diegomos> ?
[22:38:42] <labrador> i own a olinuxino A13 running debian from nand.. power it on with a li-po 1400mah enabled the ondemand governor but it last for about an hour and some minutes.. Is this ok ? Because my mobile phone for ex: that has 1.2 Ghz cpu lasts longer
[22:49:31] <labrador> and it has 1400mha too
[22:58:39] <Elrond_> labrador - What does "uptime" say for the load?
[23:02:51] <labrador> Elrond_: cpu is always at 3.5% at 60000hz
[23:03:27] <labrador> Elrond_: for ex now uptime returns: 23:02:55 up 3 min, 1 user, load average: 1.22, 0.70, 0.29
[23:11:52] <tkoskine> At one point Axx Olinuxinos (well linux-sunxi kernel) had a bug and load average was constantly 1.0 or above because some kernel (usb?) driver polled something all the time.
[23:12:11] <tkoskine> You could fix it by modifying script.bin, but I have forgotten the details of the fix.
[23:12:45] <tkoskine> Not sure does that fix help with battery life or not.
[23:13:18] <Elrond> tkoskine - That's what I was considering. My a10-lime hast the load>=1 thing.
[23:13:57] <Elrond> labrador - Hmm, the 0.29 at the end suggests, that for 15 mins, there are 0.30 processes active in average. I wonder, what that is.
[23:14:53] <tkoskine> Found from my notes:
[23:19:49] <labrador> hmm..
[23:20:24] <labrador> 23:20:14 up 20 min, 1 user, load average: 1.19, 1.20, 0.90
[23:21:47] <Elrond> labrador - But top shows nothing, right?
[23:22:14] <labrador> top shows only 3.5 for the top proccess
[23:22:29] <labrador> and 0.6 - 1.0 the net.agent
[23:23:29] <labrador> any suggestion ?
[23:25:44] <Elrond> For me that sounds like the load>=1 issue.
[23:26:41] <labrador> and how can i fix that ?
[23:28:46] <labrador> my script.fex has this usb_det_vbus_gpio = port:PG01<0><0><default><default>
[23:28:52] <Elrond> Possibly by fixing the script.fex/script.bin files. But I haven't done that myself, so I don't know much about it.
[23:29:07] <tkoskine> If you are using the official Debian image, mount the boot partition, copy script.bin to /tmp, use /root/sunxi-tools/bin2hex to convert /tmp/script.bin to /tmp/script.fex, change that one line mentioned in my paste, then convert .fex back to .bin and put it back to /boot/
[23:30:14] <labrador> tkoskine: the line that you suggest me is different that the one from the link that you gave me
[23:31:45] <tkoskine> Ah yes, my instructions were for A20. I am not sure how things go on A13.
[23:32:14] <labrador> i will give it a try
[23:32:22] <Elrond> They might be different on the a13.
[23:32:27] <Elrond> Especially the pin layout.
[23:35:41] <labrador> hmm.. system just booted fine
[23:36:39] <labrador> 23:36:33 up 1 min, 1 user, load average: 0.38, 0.13, 0.05
[23:36:42] <labrador> :P
[23:36:58] <labrador> what uptime do you get from your board and with what battery ?
[23:37:26] <tkoskine> I have never tried with battery yet.
[23:37:52] <Elrond> I don't even own a bat for the a10.
[23:38:14] <labrador> tkoskine: the fix you provide works..! i dont know if something is broken by changing that line
[23:39:18] <Elrond> labrador - If you don't need usb, then probably not.
[23:39:44] <Elrond> I wonder why/when olimex will provide updates images with those fex fixes?
[23:39:45] <tkoskine> On A20 "normal" usb works even with that change.
[23:39:55] <labrador> usb is working
[23:40:20] <labrador> both 3 ports is working
[23:40:28] <labrador> i will check also the otg and report back
[23:42:32] <labrador> yepp... OTG broken
[23:43:10] <labrador> but battery is going better
[23:43:28] <Elrond> How do you know so quickly, that the battery is going better?
[23:43:46] <labrador> it still on 29%
[23:44:32] <Elrond> Ahh, okay.
[23:44:45] <Elrond> I didn't know that batt mgmt was good enough to show the level.
[23:44:55] <labrador> Elrond: before i have ~1% drop per minute
[23:45:26] <Elrond> Ohh.
[23:45:53] <labrador> any idea how can i fix the usb - OTG ?
[23:46:14] <Elrond> No. :-|
[23:47:27] <Elrond> Do you need it?
[23:47:48] <labrador> not really for now
[23:48:01] <labrador> but in the feature i will need it for sure
[23:48:19] <labrador> DAM... i still have 29%
[23:52:06] <labrador> where can i find the defalt script.fex ? for A13 board ?
[23:53:24] <Elrond> Probably in the latest sdcard image?