PICO2-XL and PICO2-XXL are Open Source Hardware boards with RP2350B and offering 48 GPIOs available, 2-16MB Flash, 0-8MB PSRAM, SD-card, USB-C and 2A 3.3V power supply
Raspberry Pi PICO2 is great, but we decided to make our own version with some improvements: This is how GPIOs are arranged: they are grouped in 6 groups x 8 signals with +3.3V and GND As you can see we have one row with power supply, debug and QSPI signals also exposed. The distance between […]
USB-SERIAL-L is Open Source Hardware and the world’s most sophisticated USB to serial converter
USB-SERIAL-L is not yet another USB to Serial converter. It comes with few nice features: Dimensions are only 35x35x8 mm. USB-SERIAL-L is available on our web for ordering and cost EUR 9.95
The new Open Source Hardware Dual core RISC-V ESP32-P4-DevKit prototypes are alive
ESP32-P4 is the Espressif’s new dual core 400Mhz RISC-V processor with 768KB internal RAM, 16/32MB PSRAM. The ESP32-P4-DevKit was announced here and is our first board with this new microcontroller. It has these features: First prototypes are assembled and everything almost work correctly 😉 For programming and debugging we setup VScode with Espressif EDF extension.When […]
RP2350-PICO2 Raspberry Pi PICO2 boards are now available on the web for ordering
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 is a low-cost, high-performance microcontroller board with flexible digital interfaces. Pico2 features include: RP2350-PICO2 the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 cost EUR 5.00 and comes as a castellated module which allows soldering direct to carrier boards, while the RP2350-PICO2-HDR Pico 2 with headers cost EUR 7.00 and comes with pre-soldered headers.