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Debugger for EFM32 Olimex Boards

Started by cprogrammer, January 29, 2013, 07:57:40 PM

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Is it right that the only Olimex Debugger/Programmer I can use for Keil/IAR/CooCox IDE with EFM32 is the https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-JTAG-COOCOX/?

Because EFM32 uC only Support SWD and not JTAG programming, and this is the only SWD compatible Programmer.

https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-JTAG-EW/ Is out of Date.

(https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-JTAG-SWD/) together with https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-USB-OCD/
look post: https://www.olimex.com/forum/index.php?topic=543.msg3196#msg3196
and post: http://forum.energymicro.com/topic/359-using-emf32-with-olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h-and-openocd-under-linux/
is only possible for Rowley Crossworks, because OpenOCD is not supported yet.

Is there an other Olimex Programmer which works?


Hi cprogrammer,

Is it right that the only Olimex Debugger/Programmer I can use for Keil/IAR/CooCox IDE with EFM32 is the https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-JTAG-COOCOX/?

Yes. If you use Keil IDE you can also use ARM-JTAG-xxx/x/-x + ARM-JTAG-SWD which is tested and working.

Is there an other Olimex Programmer which works?
Not at the moment.

Best regards,

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Quote from: LubOlimex on January 30, 2013, 10:14:23 AM
Yes. If you use Keil IDE you can also use ARM-JTAG-xxx/x/-x + ARM-JTAG-SWD which is tested and working.

Could you give me the exact link of your ARM-JTAG-xxx/x/-x I don't understand which part you mean.

It's just because I'am editing this Table of Supported Programmers in mikrocontroller.net (German Website)


Thank you


QuoteCould you give me the exact link of your ARM-JTAG-xxx/x/-x I don't understand which part you mean.

These four OpenOCD debuggers. They don't have built-in SWD adapter but can also work as JTAGs with all IDEs that support some kind of OpenOCD debugger (some I have tested are IAR, CooCox, Rowley Crossworks and our Eclipse distribution - https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/_resources/OpenOCD/.


Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex



I discovered an other way to program/debug the Olimex EFM32 Boards.

With OpenOCD you can program/debug them with an ST-Link/V2.

I made an EmBlocks example with the Olimex EM-32G880F128-STK Board and a ST-Link/V2


regards Stefan


Hello Stefan,

Thank you for sharing your project!

Of course, all debuggers that have SWD interface and fit the connector work with our Olimex EM-32G880F128. You asked for an Olimex debugger initially, so I thought you are seeking for a debugger made by Olimex, specifically.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


So is it possible to use J-Link or U-Link2 (or any other debugger) to debug code on EFM32 Olimex boards using free/open-source IDEs? (Possibly with the "ARM-JTAG-SWD" adapter by Olimex?). I noticed that OpenOCD doesn't yet support SWD for J-Link, and OpenOCD doesn't yet  support U-Link2, so I'm not sure how to debug an EFM32 Olimex board without buying a commercial IDE.


I've been really struggling to use the Olimex EM-32G210F128-H boards I purchased. There is only sample code for EW-ARM, and since I don't want to spend $5000 for the IDE of a $20 board, I have been trying to develop code for it on Linux using Eclipse & GNU ARM toolkit. I can access the board using my Segger J-Link but when I upload the "DemoSoft/Prebuilt_EMF32G210F128-H.bin" sample file, it runs for about 10 seconds then freezes. (I have tried using both JLinkExe and eACommander to flash it, to address 0, but both give the same result).

I would be interested to use Stefan's "https://github.com/nopeppermint/Olimex_EFM32_CoLinkEx_Example" project but it is for the other EFM32 boards, not the EM-32G210F128-H board. Does anyone know how I can use this board without using EW_ARM?!



Hi ShervinEmami
I made also an example for the Olimex EM-32G210F128-H Board you can find it here:

It's a Project for Keil MDK-ARM v4 which you can download for free (after registration) here:
https://www.keil.com/demo/eval/armv4.htm (it is a limited version to 32k Debugger/Compiler/Linker)
then you can open the Project and then select the J-Link instead of the Ulink2.

I didn't test id (because I don't have a EM-32G210F128-H Board at the moment) but it should be possible to import my example Project in EmBlocks http://www.emblocks.org this is a free IDE with included GNU C Compiler.

If you work on Linux these two IDEs mention above will not work, but Eclipse or Makefiles...