
Latest manual revision, suitable for MOD-IO2 hardware revision C and newer: available here

User manual revision F, suitable for MOD-IO2 hardware revisions A and B: available here


Design files for older hardware revisions:

Hardware revision B schematic: click for PDF export

Hardware revision B sources for Eagle CAD: click to download ZIP archive


Older software, compatible with board hardware revisions up to B:

Demo with OLIMEXINO-STM32: click to download ZIP archive

Archive firmware

Latest firmware is available at the main page of the device. In the wiki one can only find older firmware, that still might be helpful. The projects listed below are no longer officially supported. The best practice is to use the EXACT same compiler as mentioned and in most cases the exact same IDE version as mentioned.

Older firmware released by Olimex for MOD-IO2:

1) MOD-IO2 v4.3 - binary, source, and how-to - click to download - this is the last firmware suitable for boards with PIC16 (before revision C changed main chip to CH32V003), which was added in its newer 4.3 version

2) MOD-IO2 v3.2/3.02 - binary, source, and how-to - click to download - this lacked analog out (DAC), which was added in its newer 4.3 version

3) MOD-IO2 v3.1/3.01 firmware - binary, source, and how-to - click to download - it lacked several functions which are now added, refer to the readme in the folder of the newest 3.02 firmware

4) MOD-IO2 v3 firmware - binary, source, and how-to - click to download - it has a bug with the internal weak pull-ups

5) MOD-IO2 v2 firmware - binary, source, and how-to - click to download - protocol fixes

6) MOD-IO2 v1 firmware - C source and HEX for I2C control - click to download - initial release


Under construction


Under construction