February 06, 2025, 03:52:53 PM

STM32-LCD Accelerometer Init fault

Started by earlgray, May 05, 2014, 12:25:25 PM

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I bought new STM32-LCD from local distributor.
Pre-programmed accelerometer demo works fine.

I installed IAR EWARM 6.50.3 at Win7x64
and connected I-Jet debugger.
Now download STM32-LCD_demo.zip from here.

When debugging, Accl_Init() was failed and display
"Accelerometer\n LIS3LV020\n Init. fault\n".

I'm tracing related functions just now but I cant find the reason yet.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you.


I maked a basic mistake!

My new board is green PCB, the revision printed Rev.A.
In my STM32-LCD board, U5 is mounted instead of U10.

It's no wonder. When orderd, distributor;Strawberry Linux had other(or obsolete?) stock...

I need rev.A's source and schematic now.


Hello earlgray,

Thank you for the notice. The schematic and the manual available were a bit outdated. I've updated them now. Please visit the following two links again (and remember to refresh the pages since they are most likely cached):


Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hello Lub,

Thank you for your response.
Rev.A seems to be adopt SMB380 as accelerometer.
If you please, update about STM32-LCD_demo.zip.
I'll try to recover my board.

Best regards,


Hey earlygray,

Once again you are correct. The example is now updated with the proper code for the right accelerometer.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hello Lub,

Thanks for your quick response.
I confirmed that recover my STM32-LCD rev.A board using latest v3 software.
In my country, ILI9325 is the most major LCD controller for hobbyist.
I got great reference board.

Best regards,