Problem by compiling the example SAM7-EX256-cdc_FLASH in eclipse helios

Started by YanAyon, July 10, 2015, 06:45:32 PM

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I have the olimex SAM7-EX256 Board and the arm-usb-tiny-h jtag cable. I downloaded the OlimexODS package and installed it. I'm trying for a while to build the example project SAM7-EX256-cdc_FLASH which I have renamed as SAM7-EX256_led-on-off_RAM but it is not work. When I build the project I get this error.

**** Build of configuration Debug for project SAM7-EX256_led-on-off_RAM ****

make all
AllocationBase 0x0, BaseAddress 0x71590000, RegionSize 0x3D0000, State 0x10000
c:\olimexods\yagarto\bin\sh.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 0
AllocationBase 0x0, BaseAddress 0x71590000, RegionSize 0x3D0000, State 0x10000
c:\olimexods\yagarto\bin\sh.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 0
make: *** [begin] Error 1

Do you have any ideas about it?


Looks a Windows-specific problem so for help give your Windows details.

(I use Linux so hope others can help you.)



Hi John,

and thank for your reply. I could resolved the problem by installing the package in a new location without "space" because according to LubOlimex about the Topic: "STM32-E407 a few questions to olimex", the most OpenSource tools the toolchain we have used is not very well supported in Windows, he recommends to reinstall Olimex ODS to a location without "space".

Now how can I sign my topic as resolved?
