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A64 / Re: TWI2 (i2c-2) external pull...
Last post by LubOlimex - January 10, 2025, 08:24:32 AM
Yes, NA is short from "Not Assembled". There are component pads provided tho, meaning if you wish to add such resistors you can solder on the pads - just find the labels (R101 and R102).
A64 / Re: TWI2 (i2c-2) external pull...
Last post by ilario - January 09, 2025, 05:27:52 PM
Quote from: ilario on January 08, 2025, 01:41:54 PMI was wrong. In the schematics there is a pull up on those pins.

And I was wrong again. The R101 and R102 resistors are not present on my board (there are just the tin pads, but no resistor), so that the voltage regulator is not actually pulling up the TWI2 pins. Now I realize that "NA(2.2k)" means that the resistor is not actually there...

So I will just add an external pull up.
A20 / Re: setup olimage via UART wit...
Last post by LubOlimex - January 09, 2025, 04:43:47 PM
RPi can act as USB-serial adapter. Maybe try another guide.

You can find the debug pins on the LIME2 at the debug header (there are just three pins RX, TX, GND). Make sure you connect RX to TX, TX to RX, and GND to GND.

When starting minicom make sure the port of the RPI gets opened and the baud is good enough (I usually use 115200).

Finally if you doubt your setup in general - maybe test with another debug medium first (USB cable or HDMI TV). As explained in the Olimage guide.
A20 / setup olimage via UART with rp...
Last post by lobra2 - January 09, 2025, 03:53:23 PM
I am a open-computing enthusiast representing myself and i do this stuff entirely out of personal interest and as part neither of some commercial nor non-profit type venture.

I have a A20-olinuxino-LIME2 rev.L board.
I bought it in the freedombox package which comes with a pre-built debian/freedombox on a sd-card, but am at the moment attempting to setup
debian/olimage myself on a high endurance SD-card, as per the instructions in the guide: https://github.com/OLIMEX/OLINUXINO/blob/master/DOCUMENTS/OLIMAGE/Olimage-guide.pdf

For serial terminal emulation i use my pc which is a raspi 5 running debian/raspios, so i figured i wd use serial to serial instead of going via usb.
For this i use minicom.
This intermodule type communication is new to me so im going by what info i find and what basic copmmuting know-how i possess.
To setup the pi to communicate via serial0 i followed this tutorial: https://howtoraspberrypi.com/enable-port-serial-raspberry-pi/

However this to no effect, i boot the olinuxino w a olimage img clone on the sd and connected pin-to-pin with the pi running minicom on the port in question but no transmission.
Luckily i thought, i also have a olimex USB-4SERIAL that i bought thinking it might be of using interfacing with some old hardware i have laying around;
i connect with this instead, via the assigned bus designation under /dev and so on,
to the same non-effect.

Again, this inter-module type interaction is new to me, so i am probably doing something backwards in some way that is easy to fix, but i have no idea how.
Please if someone might help me sort this out?
A64 / Re: SD card errors on A64-OLin...
Last post by ilario - January 09, 2025, 11:38:37 AM
Quote from: LubOlimex on January 08, 2025, 04:51:20 PMSo it get fixed by disabling trimming again?

Yes :)
Do you think it could depend on the SD card I am using?
I bought it from here (and supposedly it is a good one):

Quote from: LubOlimex on January 08, 2025, 04:51:20 PMAbout the error:

Do you boot from the eMMC or the card?

From the card. I find it more convenient, so that if I break something in the boot, I can plug it to the laptop and fix it.

Quote from: LubOlimex on January 08, 2025, 04:51:20 PMWhen does this error appear? Is it one time during and after boot or it repeats after a while?

After a while. I suppose it happens when the systemd decides to run fstrim.

Quote from: LubOlimex on January 08, 2025, 04:51:20 PMDoes the board recover from the problem or it hangs and needs a reboot?

Usually nothing bad happens. It happened once that I got that error during an apt upgrade, and the upgrade was interrupted. And when I was using RAID (bad idea, I stopped doing that) the RAID was de-synchronizing.

If you are interested in seeing the errors inside a full dmesg log, have a look at this one from November 2023. https://nextcloud.pangea.org/s/LZZTGtsgXPTJF36 You will see also RAID-related messages as back then I was still using it.
ESP32 / Re: STP Loop Error
Last post by LubOlimex - January 09, 2025, 09:05:57 AM
Check this issue and solution maybe:


If the issue remains maybe post in the issues at the esphome github explaining the problem in details, they'd know better.
ESP32 / STP Loop Error
Last post by marksims - January 08, 2025, 05:01:38 PM
Hi -

I have recently installed the ESP Home Bluetooth Proxy on an ESP32-POE-ISO-EA-IND and when I connect the device to my Unifi POE switch I am receiving an STP loop error.

Has anyone encountered this error and if they have could the method to resolve be shared?

I have previously installed and connected a similar ESP32-POE-ISO-EA-IND to my Unifi POE switch without issue and connected successfully to Home Assistant.

A64 / Re: SD card errors on A64-OLin...
Last post by LubOlimex - January 08, 2025, 04:51:20 PM
So it get fixed by disabling trimming again?

About the error:

Do you boot from the eMMC or the card?

When does this error appear? Is it one time during and after boot or it repeats after a while?

Does the board recover from the problem or it hangs and needs a reboot?

A64 / Re: SD card errors on A64-OLin...
Last post by ilario - January 08, 2025, 03:43:05 PM

After disabling the automatic trimming, no other errors appeared.

Now I set up another A64-OLinuXino A64-OLinuXino-2Ge16G-IND hardware revision G with a new SD card (SDCIT2/32GB Kingston Memory Cards 32GB microSDHC Industrial C10 A1 pSLC Card), freshly installed Debian Bullseye following the Olimex guide, no fancy partitions no RAID.
Before disabling the automatic trimming, I observed the same issues.

mmc_erase: group start error -110, status 0x0
sunxi-mmc 1c0f000.mmc: data error, sending stop command
sunxi-mmc 1c0f000.mmc: send stop command failed
FPGA / Space Invaders run on Intel808...
Last post by olimex - January 08, 2025, 02:57:25 PM
Complete Intel8080 computer implemented on GateMateA1-EVB Open Source Hardware FPGA board runs Space Invaders Retro Game! Thanks Michael Schroeder for the amazing project https://olimex.wordpress.com/2025/01/08/space-inavders-retrogame-runs-on-gatematea1-evb/ #intel8080 #colognechip #gatemate #fpga #retrogaming