July 27, 2024, 05:13:40 AM

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FPGA / Re: ILA on GateMateA1-EVB
Last post by LubOlimex - July 23, 2024, 02:34:40 PM
FPGA / Re: How to Get Started with FP...
Last post by LubOlimex - July 23, 2024, 02:33:58 PM
Which board exactly did you get?
Last post by LubOlimex - July 23, 2024, 02:19:15 PM
I think the problem is in GPIO2, it is toggled automatically on power up it is important bootstrap pin related to whether the board would get programmed or just execute off the SPI flash. Delaying the things lets it clear off boot function.

Try using another pin instead of GPIO2. If that is not possible maybe there are ways to disable its bootstrap function for the release version.
STMP1 / Re: STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2 - ...
Last post by LubOlimex - July 23, 2024, 12:56:17 PM
Yeah it is nice software trick but you have to use the SMT jumpers. Basically boot from SD is the default position of the jumper (1-0-1). Boot from eMMC requires changing the state of all three jumpers to 0-1-0, as shown in the table. If you are in RD phase and have to change position often maybe separate all jumpers (0-0-0) and solder switches to the pads so you can easily test different modes.

In STMP157-BASE-SOM we've placed a switch for the boot modes (instead of SMT jumpers): https://www.olimex.com/Products/SOM/STMP1/STMP157-BASE-SOM-EVB/open-source-hardware
ARDUINO / Re: Olimex ESP32-EVB Ethernet
Last post by LubOlimex - July 23, 2024, 12:47:47 PM
Maybe take a look at this, it is not exactly what you want but demonstrates Ethernet and WIFI:


Remember to put your WIFI's SSID and password.
Last post by Drjaymz - July 23, 2024, 11:11:45 AM
Update, I have got it to work but I think its via another bug.

Remember that the Eth init doesn't seem to work unless you give it a 250ms pause at boot - its on your demo code?  If you initialise the TFT screen in that 250ms pause then it works and the ethernet appears to subsequently initialise without breaking the TFT.

The reason I call it a bug is that something is happening in that period which prevents the Eth being setup and we don't know what it is - and looking at it nothing should be comflicting.  If its some sort of contention then I'm nervous that it may not reliably work.

See below, if you move SetupTFT(); to after or less than 250ms before ETH.begin() and it will fail.  As-in you cannot ping the device and communication doesn't work.

The following works:

void setup()



  String mac = ETH.macAddress();
  mac.replace(":", "");

  uint64_t value = ESP.getEfuseMac();
  uint32_t highPart = (value >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

  sprintf(mac_address, "%d", highPart);
  debug.printf("info: Eth %s connecting ", mac_address);

  int timeout = 0;

  while (!ETH.localIP()[0] && timeout < 20)


  debug.print("Connected ");
  tft.print("Connected: ");
  eth_connected = true;

  tft.println("Contacting NTP...");
  configTime(0 * 3600, 0, "2.pool.ntp.org", "time.nist.gov");
  setenv("TZ", "GMT+0BST-1,M3.5.0/01:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00", 1);

  tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK); // Set the font color
  tft.drawString("See this its working", 160, 0, 4);

Using the following connections and build flags for platformio:

build_flags =
    -DILI9341_DRIVER=1       ; Switch to ILI9341 if that's your display, or adjust as needed for your model
    -DTFT_WIDTH=240          ; Set width to 240 pixels
    -DTFT_HEIGHT=320         ; Set height to 320 pixels for ILI9341, adjust if different
    -DLOAD_GLCD=1            ; Load the GLCD font (essential for basic text)
    -DLOAD_FONT2=1           ; Load Font2
    -DLOAD_FONT4=1           ; Load Font4
    -DLOAD_FONT6=1           ; Load Font6
    -DLOAD_FONT7=1           ; Load Font7
    -DLOAD_FONT8=1           ; Load Font8
    -DSUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS=1 ; may facilitate sharing with other SPI thingies
    -DLOAD_GFXFF=1           ; Load the GFX Free Fonts
    -DSMOOTH_FONT=1          ; Enable smooth font

Now to really test my patience I need to get ANOTHER spi device working on the same SPI bus.
Last post by Drjaymz - July 23, 2024, 10:19:23 AM
I am back on this project.

The followinhg pins are in use:


To rule out a conflict of shared pins I can move them to another group of pins.  The LCD will obviously not work but we can see if the Ethernet stops also.

Changed to the following:


and still fails so not a share Pin issue.

Is anyone using a display AND ethernet?  I found a few posts on the subject all questions similar and with no replies.

I thought perhaps that SPI was shared between ethernet and the SPI I am using but I gather than SPI is not used for ethernet.

ARDUINO / Olimex ESP32-EVB Ethernet
Last post by walterjack - July 23, 2024, 09:32:59 AM
Does anyone have a simple example of a sketch for using Ethernet on the Olimex ESP32-EVB that I can get inspired from (I use PlatformIO)? I am trying to add Ethernet funcionality to my application which currently uses WiFi only. Basically if Ethernet is connected, use Ethernet, otherwise connect to WiFi.

FPGA / How to Get Started with FPGA D...
Last post by Eric12368 - July 23, 2024, 06:37:34 AM
I am new to FPGA development and recently got an Olimex FPGA development board. I am looking for resources and guidance on how to get started with FPGA design. Specifically, I am interested in understanding the basics and learning how to implement simple projects.

I came across an informative article on FPGA design for beginners, which I found quite helpful: How to Learn FPGA Design for Beginners.

Could anyone here recommend additional resources or provide any tips and advice for a beginner working with Olimex FPGA boards?

Thank you in advance for your help!
ESP32 / Re: ESP-32-POE GPIO pin questi...
Last post by LubOlimex - July 22, 2024, 11:33:08 AM
GPIO21 and GPIO23 are used for the Ethernet chip. You can't use them for other purposes. If you want to use GPIO21 or GPIO23 - look for another board without Ethernet.