STM32MP1 Clock Frequency

Started by msx_23, November 30, 2021, 02:38:24 PM

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I´ve got a STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2H-EXT for first evaluation and I am wondering what is the correct clock frequency?

The image is STM32MP1-OLinuXino-LIME-bullseye-minimal-20211125-113907.img

On the product page it says:
QuoteThe Linux computers are produced in Extended (-EXT) -20+85C temperature with SOC working on 800Mhz or Industrial (-IND) -45+85C temperature with SOC working on 650Mhz.

STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2H - the suffix 'H' means the board has HDMI output - note the HDMI IC operates only in commercial temperature range

STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2 - excludes the HDMI IC and can work only with LCD but operates in inidustrial grade with all components.

From that text I concluded that my board would work at 800 MHz, because it ha EXT-suffix.

But in U-boot it says:

U-Boot 2021.04+olimex-1-20211108.075936 (Nov 08 2021 - 08:00:32 +0000)

Model: STM32MP1 OLinuXino-LIME
Board: stm32mp1 in basic mode (olimex,stm32mp1xx-olinuxino-lime)
DRAM:  1 GiB
- MPU : 650 MHz
- MCU : 208.878 MHz
- AXI : 266.500 MHz
- PER : 24 MHz
- DDR : 533 MHz

In Linux I haven´t found the clock speed setting yet, can you tell me where this setting is? On A20-Boards it was normally under /sys/devices/system/cpu...

And in the manual it says:
QuoteSTMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2H-EXT same as STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2-IND but includes
LCD-to-HDMI convertor, the convertor IC is only in
commercial temperature range, so if you use HDMI on this
board will limit operating temperature to 0-70C

Is the text in the manual correct? Why would H-EXT variant be the same as IND-variant or is this a typo?

Please can you clarify what the correct clock frequency is?


Well about the second question - as the text says, STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2H-EXT has an extra LCD-HDMI convertor, compared to STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2-IND.

About the speed - the speed of STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2H-EXT should be 800Mhz, we are investigating your report, we believe that it is problem in the software, probably wrong configuration set. Expect a fix.

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


You should be able to upgrade now. Connect the board to Internet and run these three:

1) apt-update


2) apt-upgrade

and finally

3) u-boot-install

Reboot and check if it now says 800Mhz. Let me know how it goes.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thanks for the fast solution. Yes it works:
ID:    STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2H-EXT Rev.B
SN:    0001D53C
MAC:   30:1F:9A:D0:EF:F3
Board: stm32mp1 in basic mode (olimex,stm32mp1xx-olinuxino-lime)
DRAM:  1 GiB
- MPU : 800 MHz
- MCU : 208.878 MHz
- AXI : 266.500 MHz
- PER : 24 MHz
- DDR : 533 MHz

Just one side effect happened: Before the update a monitor attached to the hdmi port outputted a text console, even if that was not perfect since there were artifacts... Now there is no output at all, has HDMI been disabled completely in this updated version?

I am just curious, I did not do anything until now with HDMI and did not inspect the HDMI artifacts that were there before, but perhaps for the future when I want to use a monitor...


Can you run olinuxino-display script? Maybe some software configuration has to be re-done.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Also aside from the minimal update, there is now also base image released. I would recommend testing it out also, it should have more packages enabled and video output might work better with it.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex