Libreboot, SPI flash

Started by Tibo, November 07, 2020, 09:07:42 PM

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I'm trying to install Libreboot on an old Thinkpad T500. I was hoping to flash the SOIC-16 Rom with my Lime2, but I'm blocked... (I'm new to all this...)

What I did :

I connected the pins 29,31,33,35 of the "GPIO2" part (respectively SPI0_CS0, SPI0_CLK, SPI0_MOSI and SPI0_MISO, according to to the correct places of a SOIC-16 clip.

Then, when I try to use flashrom to see if the flashchip is detected (with flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev1.0,spispeed=512), I get a "Nothing detected" message...
So, I don't understand why... Do I have to connect the clip to another SPI port ?
Like SPI1, on the pins 34/36/38/40 ?

As I do not deeply understand how all of this works, I would be interested in getting some educational ressources or explanations...
Thanks !