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Rfid 1356 Box + Arduino

Started by auroo, January 14, 2013, 08:52:03 PM

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I recently purchased the RFID tag reader BOX 1356 and I need to know how to connect with Arduino UNO. I visited Olimexino page and found the code in Pinguino.
It would be helpful to have the instructions in Arduino.

Thank you very much for your attention.


Hey auroo,

Just uploaded an example for the RFID BOX and our Arduino IDE board OLIMEXINO-328: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Duino/AVR/OLIMEXINO-328/resources/OLIMEXINO328+MODRFID1356-BOX_example.zip. Refer to the readme inside the package. It should work with Arduino UNO (except for the LEDs which use different pins and you need to reconfigure them according to the Arduino board you use).

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex