Screen connected to LCD_CON not working

Started by winsmen, April 11, 2016, 01:04:11 PM

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I have run my A13 OLinuXino board with the Android image provided on the board's Wiki page, using an LED monitor connected via the VGA port of the A13 board as the display. I tried to change this system to have an LCD connected to the LCD_CON port on the A13 board, but the max I am able to achieve is just a blank white screen. The displays I have tested this way are:
1. NewHavenDisplay 4.3" TFT with Capacitive Touch:
2. NewHavenDisplay 5" TFT with Capacitive Touch:

I am relatively new to using boards like the Olimex A13 as well as LCDs like the ones mentioned above. For connecting the board to the displays I have followed the pinouts specified in the schematic drawings of both displays and the A13 board. Is there anything I should know with respect to the parts I have mentioned in this post that would make them incompatible with each other? And are there any sources of detailed documentation for beginners as to how I can get my setup running?

Thank you for you help.


Maybe you already done, Did you change script.bin for LCD?