"System UI stopped" using TouchScreen 4.3"

Started by eduardo.andrade, October 30, 2015, 03:56:06 PM

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I'm trying to use a LCD 4.3" with resistive Touch Screen Panel.

I changed the LCD configuration on .fex file and it's working very well.
The configuration of ctp_para was disabled, and the rtp_para enabled.

ctp_used            = 0

rtp_used = 1
rtp_screen_size = 5
rtp_regidity_level = 5
rtp_press_threshold_enable = 0
rtp_press_threshold = 0x1f40
rtp_sensitive_level = 0xf
rtp_exchange_x_y_flag = 0

However when I connect the TS pins, the system give me the error: "SystemUI stopped"
I can even click on the OK button of the message, but the error occurs again and again.

If any pin (X+, X-, Y+ or Y-) is disconnected, the error doesn't appear anymore.

I think its something similar to:

But I don't know from where to start to solve this problem.

Can anyone tell me any tip, or any other documentation that could help?
