SHIELD-LCD16x2 I2C working, LCD not displaying.

Started by m_k_johnson, March 19, 2015, 06:01:54 PM

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I hook up the SHIELD-LCD16x2 to an Arduino. 
Running example Buttons_And_LCD:

- lcd.readButtons() works = so I2C is working. 
- lcd.lcdWrite() does not show anything on LCD.

Note: the LCD display is not lit.  Should it be?  The SHIELD-LCD16x2 is plugged into 3.3V/GND of Arduino.

Any thoughts on debugging is much appreciated.
Thank you.


You said that 3.3V and GND are plugged. How about the 5V line?

Because as you described it it looks like the 5V isn't. I can't guarantee you that exactly this is the problem you have encountered, but if 5V aren't presented the LCD won't work for sure.

Stanimir, Olimex
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