Olimexino Nano GSM Shield Not working

Started by mactunes, March 19, 2015, 09:37:27 AM

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Hi guys,

unfortunately, I have a newbie question. I have an Olimexino Nano and a Olimexina Nano GSM shield. I stacked both of them together and now I am applying 4V to VBAT2 (connector 6) of CON1 and the ground to connector 2 of CON1.

I see the status LED as on on the Olimexino Nano, I also see my program running on the serial monitor. However, SIM800Core.isAlive() is always false and no SMS are sent.

I bought a second GSM shield to check if anything was broken on the first one, but it doesn't seem likely now.

Any ideas, anything I am doing wrong?

Thanks for anything you can help me with!


you should not connect anything but LiPo on VBAT2!
also make sure you have non-pin-locked SIM card


Thanks for the reply! I was looking at the page where I bought it: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Duino/AVR/OLIMEXINO-NANO-GSM/ and in the FAQ it says that you can provide 3.8 to 4.2V of DC voltage to VBAT2:

Another option is to provide DC voltage to VBAT2 (and GND to any digital GND of the board) and the board would be powered. The DC voltage should be in the (3.8-4.2)V range. Providing more than 4.2 volts might cause hardware damage.

It is possible to power the whole setup only via VBAT2 (it is pin 6 of connector CON1).

Is this incorrect?



Oh yes, I also don't have a PIN set on the SIM card as I am using this in a GPS tracker normally.