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STM32-H405 example for Olimex ODS

Started by Christos, September 17, 2014, 05:17:14 PM

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Recently got a couple of STM32-H405 boards for my project.
Is there any example for the STM32F405RG in Olimex's OpenOCD Development Suite?
I would appreciate any help here.



As the entire STM32 family members are essentially the same, start with any samples you find.

It shouldn't be too hard to slightly change any of them or even ones for IAR or other tools.

Might be easiest to start with STM32F4 samples for other Olimex boards - there are some for ODS already if you look at their product pages.



At least for me, it does not look so easy..
Olimex ODS is giving a pretty neat Eclipse IDE to work and that is what required here.
There are quite a few differences on F405 even with the F407 boards, eg the linker which is fairly critical.
All in all John, a decent example needs to be in Olimex's ODS, tweaking the other examples do not make our lives easier since many things might go wrong.

BTW, if it was so easy as said, then it should have been there already, right?   ::)    but its not yet.


What is it you think is a linker problem?

Olimex are not a software company yet do provide many samples.  I think they expect you to go from there.  It's never going to be realistic to make samples for every combination of board, CPU, toolchain etc.  No-one does that unless they offer very few products.

I see they provide ODS samples for very similar boards.  Why can't you use those?



The topic has a specific enquiry on if there is any example for the new STM32-H405 board in Olimex ODS.
If Olimex support can assist to that, the help is welcome.


Hey Christos, generally speaking the only differences between MCUs in the same series ( eg 4X5, 4X7 ) are the sizes of the RAM and FLASH ( and thus the linker scripts ) ( And avaiulable peripherals, but this is controlled by either including or excluding source files from the ST peripheral libs )

If you take the example of a smaller or bigger device from the same series and then fiddle a bit with the linker script 9 out of 10 times you are done.


I already told him but he doesn't want to do that.  He insists on a specific example.  Sent me a PM insisting on one.
