no current on GPIO Headers

Started by MrLemux, August 12, 2014, 06:06:28 PM

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Since lately the gpio headers stopped working
Here are the facts:
- It worked before
- i can still get power from uarts 3,3 and GND
- but not from the GPIO Headers
- LED1 still works
- I can measure a very little current(<1v) sometimes
- It uses an custom build ArchLinux which worked before
- No Chip or Whatever looks burned
It s a RevE olinuxino a20


It seems like 5v and 3.3v on gpio 2 are broken
But strangely i only get 3.3v in the gpios no matter if i turn them oft or in (via /sys/class/gpio/gpio*/value)


The GPIO pins default to input on power up.

Did you try to set the direction to output first?


AFAIK Yes, but could be another pin