Debian booting from USB and MMC

Started by Harsimran singh, June 23, 2014, 10:05:16 AM

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Harsimran singh

I want to boot olinuxino A13 wifi from USB and MMC card i.e. The uboot will be in MMC and kernel and root filesystem will be in USB.
As there is not USB support in current uboot for Olinuxino A13 wifi. I have tried to enable USB support in current Uboot by adding following macros in include/sunxi-common.h


But the error is coming "undefined reference to 'usb_lowlevel_stop'"

Does anyone know how can we enable USB support in uboot for Olinuxino A13 wifi so that i can load kernel and root filesystem from USB??

Thanks  :) 


You may need to load kernel from mmc.


Harsimran singh

Hello John,
Means I can't enable USB support in uboot for Olinuxino A13 wifi?


Can you boot everything from USB? Did you have a look at the following page?


I think he won't want to use FEL mode every time when booting.


Harsimran singh

hello jlucius,

As before entering into the FEL mode many checks need to get fail. As during booting sequence if all other booting media gets fail then it would be successfully boot from NAND as due to the android in it . I don't want to clear nand and still want to solve my purpose.
And it would not be possible to go into FEL mode every time by FEL key on the board itself. As i don't have any idea that is there any FEL key on Olinuxino A13 wifi.


Quote from: Harsimran singh on June 23, 2014, 02:46:36 PM
hello jlucius,

As before entering into the FEL mode many checks need to get fail. As during booting sequence if all other booting media gets fail then it would be successfully boot from NAND as due to the android in it . I don't want to clear nand and still want to solve my purpose.
And it would not be possible to go into FEL mode every time by FEL key on the board itself. As i don't have any idea that is there any FEL key on Olinuxino A13 wifi.

As far as the wiki tells there is a SD card image to automatically boot from FEL

As I havenĀ“t tried the FEL Mode I have no idea if this works or if you should use this, just trying to make suggestions. If JohnS has good reasons not to use FEL?


It's OK to use it just a bit of a hassle normally.

Try it.  It may be what you like.


Harsimran singh

hello jlucius ,

If i use FEL mode to boot then i need to use usb device for uboot also which i don't want as requirement is something different from user side.
I want to use USB device only for kernel image and root file system to boot normally and Uboot in some other device which user doesn't want to touch every time while updating kernel and root file system.



You're making it hard, why not just boot kernel from mmc and mount usb hdd after that?


Harsimran singh

Hello John
Whatever you are saying is totally correct but that doesn't solve the end user requirement. User wants to enable the usb support in uboot of olinuxino a13 wifi. Due to this i am trying to find the way out to how should i enable the usb support in uboot. ???


Has the code even been written?
