Documentation about Debian for A20 and A10

Started by lauhub, May 25, 2014, 10:07:34 PM

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I just bought and turned on my A20 board today running a Debian distribution. Now, I am looking for documentation about it but I can't find the information I need.

First question: is there a starting point about all the features embedded into the Debian distribution ?

I have more specific questions that I hope they are already answered by the first one:

  • how to detect that power button (or any other button) is pressed (interruption, script or programm ran, log written) ?
  • software specification of the battery interface (how to get battery level
  • a list of specific programs to OLinuXino (eg specific configuration scripts)
  • how to detect any event (Power Supply unplugged while battery is plugged) ?

I also have an A10 board, so I have the same questions for this board.


Start at

Also check kernel config, and read Debian and Linux details.

Board schematics will get you some more info.



Thank you John,

What I am looking for is higher level documentation. Does it exist ?

Because searching for PWR_BUT finds nothing in these ressources. And I actually hope there are already some scriptable functions (I mean accessible from shell like bash) to manage the power button and other buttons.


That's not higher level (which would be about generic Linux etc).  That's board-specific and you apparently want it for Debian so you're on a bit of a limb.  You want low level and will have to dig for it.  Some hints: the fex/schematics should show the wiring/ports/gpios.  Follow them through generic ways Linux I/O can see/control them.  (This is the exact opposite of what most users want - they want higher level like XBMC or VLC etc.)

You might look through the Android sources (Android is a messed-with Linux) and then you'll maybe find clues.

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