VLC-Player and Debian

Started by Herkules, January 22, 2014, 11:01:54 PM

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does anybody know who to get the VLC player work on Debian? I tried to open a supported file, but the VLC player does not start. I also tried to only run the VLC player from the menu, but it did not start.
What do I have to do to get it work?

Hope you can help,


Via command line works but GUI, no.

You can find instructions here, if you want test VLC:

I tried crosscompile vlc but i give up, because is very hard! :o The simplest solution is to compile directly on target, using the instructions above. 8) 4GB SD is enough.
"If you dont want to cross-compile, remove --host, set prefix to /usr and compile on device, compilation time is around one and a half hours."

Play video mp4 with CedarX support using libhybris wrapped Android libraries: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QkYF4PJwQo&feature=youtu.be

Play video mp4 with CedarX support using the native Linux library. There is little bugs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRMI9VSuqUo&feature=youtu.be



Trying the instructions posted by vinifr anthe wikit at http://linux-sunxi.org/CedarX/libve
Everything went well for the compilation. At the end I got the hybris libvecore.so

But after the export of the hybris library, and starting cvlc, I got this error:

[0x1dade50] main video output error: video output creation failed
[0xb5403de0] main decoder error: failed to create video output

Any ideas?


Did you use that command? cvlc --demux ffmpeg --codec cedar --vout cedarfb --no-osd <media file>



I tried the command from your reply, and again I got the same error:

cvlc --demux ffmpeg --codec cedar --vout cedarfb --no-osd monFilm.h264
VLC media player 2.0.3 Twoflower (revision 2.0.2-93-g77aa89e)
[0x28abe8] dummy interface: using the dummy interface module...
[0x199b78] main video output error: video output creation failed
[0x174660] main decoder error: failed to create video output

Thx for your help


Did you compile vlc with cedarx support?
./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --prefix=<your installation path> --enable-cedar

Is there a file named cedarfb under /dev? Should there be dev/cedarfb



Just so you know - if you make a regular user (not root) and boot into X, you can also use the GUI version of VLC which is already deployed in the debian rootfs. By default, VLC does not run with root privileges.

However, if you're not experienced with linux, adding a new user could be fairly frustrating, as you'd also need to add the new user to the required groups in order to run X server. Also, default shell for new users is sh instead of bash, so you'd need to modify that as well...



Regarding this:
QuoteDid you compile vlc with cedarx support?
Code: [Select]

./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --prefix=<your installation path> --enable-cedar

Is there a file named cedarfb under /dev? Should there be dev/cedarfb

Yes, I just finished to compile vlc with cedarx support. That took 3 hours!! and was a mess to find out all the necessary library for having ./configure to succceed.

Nevertheless, I do not have any cedarfb under /dev, so this is probably the reason why I got this error with vlc:
Quotecedar decoder error: Couldn't find and open the Cedar device

What am I missing to have this device in the /dev/ tree?


Reply to myself regarding how to load cedar device driver:

Put into /etc/modules the following stuff:

then chmod 777 /dev/cedar_dev

and vlc (the compiled version with cedar enable, not the one provided by olimex in their stock debian) is now running quite well.


Can you make an image? I would like to test the VLC as well.

Best regards,