SHIELD-EKG-EMG firmware control code

Started by saand, November 02, 2013, 06:44:47 AM

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Hi All,
I am creating the wiki for this board i am also working on a 3 signal measurement EKG board.

To help with both of these tasks i am looking for the source code for the ekg example firmware

ideally the source code to all of the following

Arduino example for EKG capture and interface to Electric Guru for OLIMEXINO-328/Arduino boards
Maple example for EKG capture and interface to Electric Guru for OLIMEXINO-STM32
Pinguino example for EKG capture and interface to Electric Guru for PIC32-PINGUINO/OTG/MX220 (refer to the readme and the comments in the code for more info)

can anyone point me toward this


I finally realized the files supplied are the source code.
I just didn't realize the extensions as i have not done arduino programming.

once installing the arduino IDE i could see all of the source code.