Started by Mostafa, May 12, 2013, 02:49:16 PM

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please i use SHIELD-EKG-EMG & SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PA to control hand robot with five finger with servo motors
actually i need to take signals from the shield to five servo motors , i don't need to show signal in  ElecGuru software , i try to adjust ShieldEkgEmgDemo to read signals and show it in serial monitor but i can't any one can help me , is this idea can't implement using this shield ? 
please i need any one help me quickly  because i need it for graduation project



i try to use Olimex Cable with three electrodes to get signal without using shield and it give 20 : 30 mv and when use shield that make amplification and read signal from A0 analog input but the value read not change.
Q:where can i put three electrodes to get change in signal when move my finger ?