February 19, 2025, 12:45:51 AM


Started by ffan, September 21, 2012, 09:28:14 AM

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I am using MPLAB X v1.41 on a Mac computer OS 10.6.8. The compiler is XC32 v1.10. The device is PIC32MX210F016D. I am using PIC-KIT3 to program (not) the device.

On the PIC-KIT3, the yellow LED is on and steady. The other LED does not light at all.

My program compiles but the following messages are generated:

Loading completed
Connecting to programmer...
The programmer could not be started: Could not connect to tool hardware: PICkit3PlatformTool, com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.PICKit3Tool.PICkit3DbgToolManager

... and in the PICkit3 tab:

Connection Failed.

The PIC-KIT3 seems to have been recognised since it is listed under Debug Tool as PICkit3: OLI42345678

Any suggestions regarding solving this problem will be gratefully received.

Thank you.


Hey man, I have the exactly same problem.
Olimex please help your customers =/.

Oscar Serna


I find the solution, just to change the USB port on Windows 7 and the program star to update pickit3, this USB port must be different to used by MPLAB8 (I uninstalled to it):
MPLABX: 1.41
Pickit 3: fimware: 1.28.07
Windows 7

Message =))).
Connecting to MPLAB PICkit 3...Firmware Suite Version.....01.28.07Firmware type..............PIC18FJ
Target detectedDevice ID Revision = 3
The following memory area(s) will be read:program memory: start address = 0x0, end address = 0x1fff7configuration memory
Reading...Read complete

You can write me



Instead of starting a new topic I continue with this one

I am trying to use the PIC-KIT3 with MPLAB X on OS X (Lion)

I had the Connection Failed problem so I connected it on a Windows box and MPLAB X updated the firmware (01.26.92 -> 01.28.57)
But on my OS X box I continue to get a Connection Failed.

Could someone help ?

Best regards


Hey jib,

Did you select the programmer/debugger in the properties? If not please:

1. Right-click on your project and select Properties;
2. In the properties box you should see the S/N of the PIC-KIT3;
3. Click and highlight it and then select Apply followed by Ok.

Also it is good idea to take a look at Microchip's forums. There are plenty of posts describing such behavior and different solutions for OS X (Lion) and PICKit3. For instance:


A lot of them suggest to try updating (or manually installing) the Java Runtime component. If that doesn't do it try to change the same Java runtime from 64-bit version to 32-bit one.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex