Olimex Support Forum

Microcontrollers => PIC => Topic started by: karthikra on October 24, 2013, 05:16:05 PM

Title: PIC32_MAXI_WEB display problem
Post by: karthikra on October 24, 2013, 05:16:05 PM
Hello Olimex Team,

I bought Olimex MAXI web board, I am able to flash the Pre built hex file and every thing works fine.

Then when I compile the SW(DemoSoft PIC32-MAXI-WEB v1.03) in MPLAB IDE 8.92/C32 compiler and tried to the flash the software the nothing is displaying in my Board,Could you please help me?

With Regards,
Title: Re: PIC32_MAXI_WEB display problem
Post by: Stanimir5F on October 25, 2013, 08:27:29 AM
It sounds like it is a compiler problem.
It was compiled with XC32 1.21 (check the README.txt) not C32 (they are different).
You can download it here:

If this isn't the problem in your case check these two threads:

If it isn't working yet can you tell me where the program stops/freeze/fails (if your programmer has also a debugger).

Stancho, Olimex
Title: Re: PIC32_MAXI_WEB display problem
Post by: karthikra on October 25, 2013, 11:06:57 AM
Thanks for the support, I have compiled and flashed through Xc32 but after flashing I get white screen..or a Blank screen

if( xTaskCreate( vTaskGUI, "GUI", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE + 2000, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL ) != pdPASS )
Status |= -1;

this status retuns -1 and task gui is not called....i kept break point in taskgui..but it doesnt breaks there

Main program is always stays in -->

When I flash prebuild hex every thing is proper...
Title: Re: PIC32_MAXI_WEB display problem
Post by: Stanimir5F on October 25, 2013, 11:36:05 AM
OK... It is obvious that the problem is in the initialization the RTOS task of the graphic library. But everything is fine with me when I try to compile, program and run the demo.

And you said that the prebuilt hex is fine so I exclude the option of any kind of hardware problem.

The only clue I have is the compiler. Exactly which version of XC32 compiler are you using? I mean: 1.19, 1.20, 1.21 etc. Maybe some of the libraries (RTOS or graphic) are problematic with compiler's version different than 1.21 (I did it with 1.21).
Title: Re: PIC32_MAXI_WEB display problem
Post by: karthikra on October 25, 2013, 03:02:21 PM
I am using IDE

MPLAB     Certified
Language tool suite--> Microchip XC32 C Compiler v1.21
Language tool versions: xc32-as.exe v1.21, xc32-gcc.exe v1.21, xc32-ld.exe v1.21, xc32-ar.exe v1.21
Title: Re: PIC32_MAXI_WEB display problem
Post by: karthikra on October 25, 2013, 03:20:38 PM
Hi Stanimir5F,

Thanks for the support, Its working now...

The problem was the header files were not up to date...

Title: Re: PIC32_MAXI_WEB display problem
Post by: novoo on December 01, 2013, 10:24:11 AM
Hi karthikra,
Can you write which header files were causing the problems?
I am facing similar issues.