ESP-POE having problems with Data collection

Started by djpeterlewis, May 12, 2024, 11:12:05 PM

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I do not know if this is a problem using WLED or if they are using the wrong way of collecting data from the Ethernet port.

I am still having a problem with the OLIMEX  ESP-POE-EA Ethernet unit. I have Put in a Level Converter, I have changed the PSU for a different type, I put on a Power Surge/Suppression on the 220v Side, From the 12v Side I have 2 x 1000uf caps. The problem is random flashing of White , sometimes the whole 100 pixels and other times just a small section or 2. Running WS2815B 12v. It is only when I am using ARTNET. Tried Madrix and Jinx both on Blackout and this happens (it does also happen in patterns but not as noticeable). I also tried without ARTNET using the internal pattern on a single color and no problems, Even dimmed it to off on WLED and no problems. It seems like it is a Ethernet / ARTNET problem. Is there any way of creating a log file with timecode of the output GPIO values and also the Ethernet data ? Being intermittent and only happening sometimes 3 minutes apart and other times 45 second apart makes if difficult to pin point the issue. But so far is looks like from the Board to the Strips are perfect. Now I believe it is in the software, I have tried earlier versions and the very latest beta's same issue. In Madrix and JINX I also put the brightness to 0 instead of Blackout with still the same issue. I also turned on the setting for ignoring packets not in sequence. I have tried multiple boards. Using GPIO 16. I have just seen that the GPIO 16 is used by EMAC , so possible this might be the fault. I have a 5v BUC converter from the 12v line that feeds the OLIMEX ESP-POE
Any Thoughts Thank you.


First make sure you ESP32-POE board has WROOM module (e.g. it is NOT ESP32-POE-WROVER version). If it is WROOM version then GPIO16 is not used for the Ethernet. It goes to the UEXT and also has 2.2k pullup (visible near the UEXT). Did you try with other GPIO? Maybe try with GPIO32 or GPIO33 from the header, these have no pull ups (make sure to reflect the hardware change in code).
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


It is the WROOM version. I did try GPIO15 and still had the same issue, will try he other ones and let you know. I believe it is the conversion between the Ethernet and the SPI output in WLED that is causing the issue.

The WLED code using their internal patterns do not show any issues.


Quote from: LubOlimex on May 13, 2024, 09:44:46 AMMaybe try with GPIO32 or GPIO33
I tried GPIO32 with the same result. A random flash , sometimes all 100 pixels and other times just a few, always White . WS2815B. I timed it to see if they were equally timed , but they are not


I did a test with another supplier of a board using WLED as well using the same settings on Ethernet and their board did not flash pixels. I was hoping it would have been the WLED software as it is a easier fix.

Can you guys look into it ?

I want to standardize my products using your board. So far I have over 100 boards and they all seem to give the same issue

Thank you


It would be impossible to solve this for you since we lack the same software and hardware as you but we can compare with the board that works.

> I did a test with another supplier of a board using WLED as well using the same settings

Which other board exactly did you use and where did you connect the LED on it?
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


the software is open source. You can install it here
You select using the ESP32-POE as the ethernet device which is your product.

The code for this project is also open source and can be downloaded from  GIT
// ESP32-POE
     0,                   // eth_address,
    12,                   // eth_power,
    23,                   // eth_mdc,
    18,                   // eth_mdio,
    ETH_PHY_LAN8720,      // eth_type,
    ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT  // eth_clk_mode
Are the settings for your board. All other boards are specified and then they run though the same software chain to the output.

the link to the GIT Code is

This is the similar board that we used the same code ver 14.3 to test with. Granted it does not have POE.
He used GPIO 0 for the output to the LEDS.
There is a whole process I went through to determine where I felt the problem was.

1. Installed WLED and ran the internal patterns - no flashing
2. Ran Artnet though Ethernet port - Flashing
3. Ran Artnet through Wifi - No Flashing
4. Added Level Converter - still Flashing
5. Added 1000uf capacitor after the BUC converter near to the ESP - still flashing
6. tried 4 different versions of WLED including the latest BETA versions.
7. Changed Power Supply with different brand - Circuit draws 1.4A we tried both 6A and 4A
8. Tried different GPIO, 16, 15 and 32

please dont get me wrong, I love your board.

Flashing defined:-
The easiest way to see it is to use a program that sends Artnet data like a free one JINX or Madrix.

Then on Blackout leave it for up to 10 minutes and there will be random flashes, sometimes all 100 pixels and other time only a few. Sometimes they are 3-4 minutes apart and other times within 1 minute.

I only use 100 Pixels per controller for this project. They are WS2815 12v.
I have tried with and without inline resistors on the data line

The fact that the LEDs work perfectly by either using the Internal Patterns and ARTNET using the Wifi Connection points towards 2 areas.

1. There is a problem with the WLED code or
2. There is compatibility issue between WLED and the ESP-POE.

By getting a similar product that works through the same code chain , helps me to eliminate the WLED code (My personal feel)

If I have missed anything that you can suggest. I am open to trying it out. I do not believe it is between the port and the LEDs as in 2 different ways it works perfectly. Having tested the issue it with a competing board and it works, narrows down the issue to your Wonderful board. 

Thank you


> I did a test with another supplier of a board using WLED as well using the same settings

Which other board exactly did you use and where did you connect the LED on it?
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


I think it is some influence between grounds or ground loops. It seems to me it is power related.

How do you power the ESP32-POE? Is it powered from the same source as the LED strip? If not - did you measure if there is voltage difference between the two grounds? Can you give me a diagram or sketch or schematic on how the hardware connection and power supplies and grounds are connected?
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


QuoteThis is the similar board that we used the same code ver 14.3 to test with. Granted it does not have POE.

This board has 5V on the data lines and incorporates many level shifters. It is specifically designed to operate 5V LED strips.

This is not the case with ESP32-POE. I guess your LEDs are 5V while ESP32-POE is 3.3V. You said you used level shifter, but did you use it on the GPIO line?
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Quote from: LubOlimex on May 17, 2024, 01:37:57 PM
QuoteThis is the similar board that we used the same code ver 14.3 to test with. Granted it does not have POE.

This board has 5V on the data lines and incorporates many level shifters. It is specifically designed to operate 5V LED strips.

This is not the case with ESP32-POE. I guess your LEDs are 5V while ESP32-POE is 3.3V. You said you used level shifter, but did you use it on the GPIO line?

Yes I put the level shifter between the GPIO and the LED


Quote from: LubOlimex on May 17, 2024, 01:08:09 PMAlso this seems like quite often encountered problem for WLED users. Did you check for other users of WLED that reported similar problem like:

All of these are either related to a ground or ground loop or a Level shifter not been in circuit.

They are also connecting the board to the LED and using the internal patterns of WLED.
No one of them is doing it through ARTNET Ethernet.

My board connected to my Pixels are working perfectly using internal patterns as they are and no flicker or flash. It only has a problem with Artnet through Ethernet. I have narrowed it down to that.

This is why I wanted to compare the same data path to something similar so the the same code is used by another board to determine if it was the Code or the board. I think my logic on this is good.

Again, there is NO problem from the board to the Pixels when working on the internal patterns or ARTNET through the Wifi Connection. I have run this for 8 hours with not one flicker/flash

If it was the FASTLED lib used by WLED , then it would appear in both internal or Wifi ARTNET modes. The fact it only occurs when using |Ethernet and ARTNET or E1.31 (Also tried that).


If the hardware is perfect then it is probably some issue with the software maybe timings or delays or network throughput, hard to say without details, maybe if some customer has experience with this can help further, but we haven't used neither of those software tools.

My advice is to also post in the communities around ArtNet and WLED, they seem pretty active. I believe they would know more. ESP32-POE is basically ESP32-WROVER + LAN8710A (specifics are that it uses power pin GPIO12 and gets clock from GPIO17) any general info about ESP32 and Ethernet in those communities should apply.

Also maybe try different ArtNet implementations like: or
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Quote from: LubOlimex on May 17, 2024, 01:32:53 PMI think it is some influence between grounds or ground loops. It seems to me it is power related.

How do you power the ESP32-POE? Is it powered from the same source as the LED strip? If not - did you measure if there is voltage difference between the two grounds? Can you give me a diagram or sketch or schematic on how the hardware connection and power supplies and grounds are connected?

Yes I power it from the same power supply with a 5v BUC converter and a 1000uf capacitor near the ESP-POE