February 07, 2025, 12:41:19 AM

Security mode change issue

Started by ThomasFox, March 21, 2024, 11:53:14 AM

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Hello Olimex Community,

I've been following the thread about SSL and PSK configurations for the NB-IoT BC66 module and noticed that several users, including Chris5, have encountered issues when changing the security level or secure mode. Despite following the provided examples and even updating the firmware, the connection still fails with an 'Other Error' message.

Could you provide a step-by-step guide or a working example that addresses these specific issues? Additionally, are there any common pitfalls or additional configurations that we should be aware of when setting up SSL (via MQTT) or PSK (via LWM2M) on the NB-IoT BC66 module?

Thank you for your assistance.


We are neither proficient enough nor have we have sufficient experience to give you a solution or an explanation, however Quectel forums and support are pretty good - make sure to post in Quectel forums and/or contact Quectel support directly. Notice that BC66 is no longer available so our modules now come with BC660 (there are some significant differences between BC66 and BC660 and it might be possible that BC660 works better with SSL and PSK):

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex