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ESP32 devkit lipo not booting

Started by webgiorgio, August 22, 2020, 06:32:43 PM

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new board (never connected to anything else) connected to the computer is giving me this message, repeated at about 1 Hz.
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

It would not accept a program upload (arduino IDE, used many times on ESP32-devkit-C).

The second board of the same order, same model, gives me garbage in the serial monitor, with about the same frequency.



The message you see on the serial is normal when you haven't downloaded anything to the board and the flash is empty. If I get a board from the shop I get the same output - it is normal. I've replied similarly here:

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


The programming fail is a problem.

Is the yellow LED on when you attach the board the computer? Is the board properly recognized and given a serial port?

What operating system are you using?

Do you have Olimex ESP32-DevKit-Lipo selected in Tools -> Board ?

Did you try with lower baud rates? For example, try with 115200.

Edit: I tested an ESP32-DevKit-Lipo from the shop today to see if there is some major issue with all products, but it worked fine with Arduino IDE even with the highest baud of 921600.

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


I was able to flash the board lowering the speed to 115200 bps.
Yes, Arduino ide is set for Olimex board.

With the ESP32 I used so far (from a reel or the devkit C) I have never encountered this problem. Normally I've a boot message but no continuous reboot.



Try installing the drivers from the product page, sometimes older drivers doesn't allow reaching the full speed of CH340T (the USB-serial converter in Olimex ESP32 boards).
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex