Another set of sample data for the EKG-EMG shield

Started by lmb, January 13, 2015, 01:42:07 PM

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thought I'd quickly share some beginnings of my work with the EKG-EMG shield.

I'm using the EKG-EMG shield (two of them, actually, but right now just one), my #Arduino Due, python with pyqtgraph and scipy for filtering and live data plotting.

The Due is running my own generic firmware (, sampling my heart muscle activity at 400 Hz. (Electrodes on both wrists and the right ankle; the cables are too short, by the way.) The Olimex board is connected not as a shield, but via the A3 input directly. (As a shield, it'd block the A7 pin and SPI/I²C headers on the Due.)

The raw signal is very noisy (the amps are picking up the current the environment is inducing in my body; no joke - I always thought electrosmog was nonsense!), so I'm applying a Butterworth bandstop filter for the 45-55 Hz range. (Since making this image, I've switched to instead applying a 9th order 30 Hz lowpass filter, which works even better.)

I've never written code in Python from scratch, much less done any sort of GUI/Qt work, and my knowledge of signal processing mostly resolves around "cut that, paste there." The server side of this code will take a fair while to make prettier. And on the Due I surely needed a bit of time to adjust downwards from being used to multiple n GHz cores with tons of gigabytes of main memory ;-)

Also, working with PyCharm for the first time, rather than just vim. (With IdeaVim, of course.) Haven't yet decided whether I like it better, but it is for sure pretty.


Something went wrong with the image I wanted to attach. Reposting.