Fullsize SD card slot under android [HOWTO]

Started by deskwizard, June 14, 2014, 03:31:15 PM

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Oh yeah, I should add that there is still an issue with the system and it's not really down to the source build but the way Android works.

A call to this function does not return the external SD card. It returns the internal SD which is the same one as the OS is installed on. I've yet to find a workaround for this but for now and the fact that my software is only designed to run on this platform, I have hard coded the path.

String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();


Congratulations on the show and tell, you deserve the credit for all your hard work!
That's quite interesting for the CAN driver, I might actually have a use for that someday.

I have to say, I haven't learnt nearly as much as you did, I'm struggling more than anything else.
I managed to hack a GPS signal, though its working, I am not really pleased with how it is done.
I have tried using the GPS code from the source (found what to put instead of "simulator" in the make file, but without any success (had to change the GPS makefile too). Without any knowledge or documentation I am pretty limited in what I am able to do.

I don't have any brilliant ideas about the external storage thing, besides changing the mount points or the setting in (I think) init.rc, which you likely already tried