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Coocox for the Olimexino STM32

Started by Pittspilot, December 03, 2013, 02:33:35 PM

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Hi Folks,
I just received my Olimexino STM32. I tested it with the Maple IDE, which works, but it really reminds me to programming the ZX81 with hand assembler and no debugger. The board itself seems really perfect for my data logging project.

What would be the road map to use the CooCox or any other GUI  IDE including debugger and what programmer / interface would I need to upload my code and debug it?

Thanks and I hope my newbee questions are to ignorant.

Pittspilot  ???


Hey Pittspilot,

The easiest way to use CooCox would be to use ARM-JTAG-COOCOX debugger: If you are beginner with ARM debugging/programming via a third-party tool (JTAG/SWD) this is the path I recommend you to take.

The other option is to use a OpenOCD debugger like ARM-USB-TINY-H. It is a bit harder to get going in the beginning (and there isn't very good SWD support in OpenOCD) but OpenOCD is supported directly in a number of IDEs (like IAR EW for ARM and Rowley Crossworks and even in CooCox IDE) and it is completely open-source software.

Of course, you can always go the fastest and most expensive way - commercial IDE and debugger (for instance IAR EW for ARM + Segger's JLINK).

In any case - you would need a small adapter for the small connector. Adapter like ARM-JTAG-20-10:

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex