Android GPS on UART0

Started by lavanyasubbu, August 21, 2013, 01:04:44 PM

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I am trying to read a GPS connected in UART in my my A13 WIFI board.

Heres my setup
1) script.bin
sdc_used = 0

uart_debug_port = 0

uart_used = 1

Then I connected my gps module. Here are my questions
1) How do i let android know that my gps is on UART so it will know to use that info natively (and broadcast it to all apps that need the gps feeds). DO i have to alter GPS_PARA. If so any help please on it should be
2) UART1 is connected to /dev/ttyS1? Or how do I know which uart is related to which /dev/tty*?
3) Is there a way to show the input arriving from those uarts by using adb shell (by logging into the device) or through logcat?

Appreciate your help

On a slightly unrelated note even after [mmc0_para] sdc_used = 0 is set its trying to read the SD card. Not sure it its a problem or its an indication of the fact that I didnt do soemthing right