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PIC32-MAXI-WEB demo Web Page

Started by lamda, September 19, 2013, 01:37:23 PM

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I'm trying to find the board's IP address and I found out that the COM port settings should be 115200-8-N-1 in the 1.03 version and not the 9600 (old version). The response just after a reset is:
DEMO for Olimex board
New IP Address:
New IP Address:

But, there is no response to a ping or a browser check.
How can I disable the DCHP function and set my desirable IP address?
Thank you


I didn't see this thread and I posted in the old one: https://www.olimex.com/forum/index.php?topic=1876.0
I'm not sure if it will help you but it's worth trying.
May the Source be with You!


Hi I found out what is happening.
In the CustomHTTPApp.c file there is a section referred to DHCP:
   // Start out assuming that DHCP is disabled.  This is necessary since the
   // browser doesn't submit this field if it is unchecked (meaning zero). 
   // However, if it is checked, this will be overridden since it will be
   // submitted.
   newAppConfig.Flags.bIsDHCPEnabled = 0;
So, as it is obvious at the begining the DHCP is Disabled! Through the RS232 the IP address is shown to be: (it may be different on other boards). I've changed the PC's address manually to I've connected the PIC32_MAXI-WEB and my PC to a switch and on a browser I've connected to the introductory page (typing in address box (the board's IP address). In this page you can modify through the option "Network Configuration" the DHCP to Enable. After that I've connected the RJ45 cables back to my modem router (again through a switch) and voila the new IP address was given by my modem router. From now on I can directly connect to the board without any problem.
So, I shall move on changing the web pages and manipulating the TCPIP stack.