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Olimex STM32 LCD - Dead?

Started by str4nger, February 16, 2013, 04:48:59 PM

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i use my Olimex STM32 LCD to test my generated code from matlab/simulink RapidSTM32 Blockset. (https://www.aimagin.com/learn/index.php/Learn_RapidSTM32_Home for further information)

Befor i can generate code with simulink, i have to setup µc cpu type. And here i have made a hard mistake. Instead of the STM32F103ZE, i have choosen the STM32103RE CPU.
After i have generated the code, i flashed it successfull via Keil uvision + STLink/V2  Debugger.

But now, my STLink Debugger doesnt't reckognize the Olimex STM32 LCD board anymore. I think, because of choosing an incorrect cpu, i have overwritten something very important :). The board works (quarz is oscillating), but it isnt possible to flash it via jtag anymore.

Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem?
Maybe i have overwritten the bootloader? How to restore the bootloader?

Thank you!!!!

Kind Regards,


Hello Rainer,

It is possible to overwrite the JTAG signals, though most of the debuggers would try seize them.

Did you try the SWD interface instead of the JTAG one? Try also the different connect options with your debugger: http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/ulink2/ulink2_ctx_debug.htm

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi, I have one question - is possible to change TFT_LCD from STM32-LCD (board from 2009 - older type of ILI display) to STM32-LCD (board from 2012 - newer type of TFT_LCD)? Thx for reply :-)


The difference between the two displays is very small. The new STM32-LCD uses the newer ILI9325, opposed to the older ILI9320. The driver datasheets might be found here:

There are no hardware differences but you can see the software difference in the code by searching in modules/lcd-320x240.c for text "SPP" - every place marked with "SPP".

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex
