Diferences between JTAG Debug /Compilers(SOLVED!!)

Started by TuxD3v, June 13, 2013, 05:29:02 PM

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i saw different compilers/debuggers , and I am a little bit confuse...

You have a JTAG for:

I target board is STM32-H107, but

I want a JTAG debugger that function in more than one environment...
For now i think that one of this will be my DevEnv:
GCC+OpenOCD + Eclipse

I Will use Linux(For now only gcc+OpenOCD+Eclipse function on it...but in future EM::Blocks will be released, maybe CoocoxIDE :))

I am a newbie to ARM, so i don't understand nothing about it...

Can any one Help choose the most complete software/Hardware tools?

Thanks in advance

best regards



can any one help me to choose a JTAG from what you have in the site  ::)?

thanks in advance



Hey Tux,

In terms of compatibility the OpenOCD debuggers are more compatible with a range of software tools. I have personally used our OpenOCD debuggers with Eclipse, CoIDE, IAR EW, Rowley Crossworks, among others (as long as I see EM: Blocks also uses GDBserver, so it should work with OpenOCD but we haven't tested it). Being "Open source" community-driven project OpenOCD adds support for IDEs and targets relatively fast. You can tweak a lot of the settings (like debugging speed, preferred reset strategies, etc). We also distribute a free Eclipse-based IDE (which has very basic functionality, but might be used as fundament to build a better one): https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/_resources/OpenOCD/. The only minus as of all pure OpenOCD debuggers is the lack of SWD interface. Generally if you are using the debugger only as a developer then ARM-USB-TINY-H  (https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-USB-TINY-H/) is good enough. If you are looking to make a number of flashing tasks (program 100 boards a day let's say) then the better choice would be ARM-USB-OCD-H (https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-USB-OCD-H/).

Another option is ARM-JTAG-COOCOX (https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-JTAG-COOCOX/). I like CoIDE a lot and their programmer software is also great (CoFlash). They also have several plugins, which make the debugger working with Keil uVision and IAR EW, for example. Another plus is the ability to use the SWD interface.

Overall our products are well-tested. Especially the OpenOCD debuggers have been out on the marked for a lot of time.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex



Thanks for the reply,


For the price and functionality ARM-JTAG-COOCOX seems to be a must, but it is not supported by openocd right?Is there any chance to be supported in future?


This have all the features of ARM-USB-OCD-H ?I mean without rs232, and maybe without the chance to self programming(needing all the time a PC flasher program do load  the binary to it), but with all the others?with boundary scan, and all stuff?


This version have a rs232 port, i don't know exactly the purpose of it?!
Can i use it, for example to communicate with a hardware module i have like a modem, or another device that communicate via rs232?

It implement the rs232 levels of voltage (+/- 12v or ± 13v)?

For what i realized, the XXX-H in the name of debuggers have to do with high speed of programing/debugging right?

Sorry for the questions, but sometime we buy someting very fast, and after that we realized that, the beter product is another, need this info to decide between ARM-JTAG-COOCOX,ARM-USB-TINY-H, or if it have a lot more features ARM-USB-OCD-H...I am waiting, to hear from you to buy a lot of new things  8)

thanks for the help



have already been clarified about by email.

Thanks for all the help ;)