Displays do not get out of sleep mode

Started by martenjacobs, May 26, 2014, 04:54:42 PM

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Hi all,
I'm currently running Arch Linux on an A20-OLinuXino with two displays, connected to the VGA and HDMI ports. This works fine, but I have one (pretty annoying) issue, which is that when the system puts my displays to sleep, it is unable to wake them again. I can tell the system wakes up, as I can connect through SSH, and I can press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to reboot (after switching to another tty by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2).
xset -display :0 dpms force on
through ssh didn't wake it up either.

Has anyone ever had this issue before? Does anyone know how to fix it?

Marten Jacobs

Marc Coussement

I guess i have about the same issue in a slightly different setup

A20-OlinuXino board with Debian 3.4.90+ with HDMI monitor connected.
It is in-possible to wake-up the monitor.
The board is still running as i can login by means of the tty debug port.

I didn't have this issue when using a LCD display instead of a HDMI monitor


Marc Coussement

I found a kind of workaround, by disabling HDMI Energy Star features, hence avoiding monitor power-down.

Using Command "xset -dpms"
