Olimex Support Forum

OLinuXino Android / Linux boards and System On Modules => A20 => Topic started by: nikson on April 03, 2019, 10:30:17 AM

Title: A20 + Gigabit Eth KSZ9031 Loopback Test Procedure
Post by: nikson on April 03, 2019, 10:30:17 AM

I have custom made board (a20+KSZ9031), everything works good, but when I interrupt booting and use U-boot commands to set ipaddr and net mask, and init local loopback on mii side, I get the following:

=> mii write 1 0 4140
=> mii write 1 9 1300
=> setenv ipaddr
=> setenv netmask
=> ping
ethernet@01c50000 Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete......... TIMEOUT !
Could not initialize PHY ethernet@01c50000
using musb-hdrc, OUT ep1out IN ep1in STATUS ep2in
MAC de:ad:be:ef:00:01
HOST MAC de:ad:be:ef:00:00
RNDIS ready
The remote end did not respond in time.ping failed; host is not alive

Can someone provide the right loopback test procedure using U-boot commands, please?

BR, Nikola