Olimex Support Forum

OLinuXino Android / Linux boards and System On Modules => A13 => Topic started by: David Goadby on December 04, 2012, 08:39:01 PM

Title: Pound sign (£) is just a white block
Post by: David Goadby on December 04, 2012, 08:39:01 PM
I am in the UK so I have configured my A13 system for a UK keyboard (configured as pc/qwerty/British/standard). It has worked fine for over a week.

I have been installing a number of packages and, all of a sudden, the £ (shifted 3) character is being displayed as a white square. I checked /etc/default/keyboard and it is still ok. I tried an older SD card and that is good too.

My first thought is the £ character map must be stored somewhere as part of the character set. Anyone know what has happened and how I can fix it? All other keys are perfect so I haven't just switched to a non UK keyboard.

13/12/2012 - update

After trying various changes using keyboard-configuation and console-date I discovered that the £ (UKP)character is ok on tty2 but is a lozenge of tty1. I checked the environment variables and they are exactly the same.

Where else in the system are tty? differences stored? It's bizarre.