Olimex Support Forum

OLinuXino Android / Linux boards and System On Modules => A20 => Topic started by: graugans on September 28, 2014, 11:17:42 AM

Title: Building a Yocto image for the A20 OLinuXino LIME
Post by: graugans on September 28, 2014, 11:17:42 AM
For everyone who is interested in building a yocto based poky image for the A20-OLinuXino-LIME I've created a minimal patch set against the daisy branch of meta-sunxi. And wrote a more or less detailed howtohttp://project-magpie.github.io/yocto/2014/09/26/building-a-yocto-image-for-the-a20-olinuxino-lime/ (http://project-magpie.github.io/yocto/2014/09/26/building-a-yocto-image-for-the-a20-olinuxino-lime/).

For kernel configuration I've used a direct copy of the A20-OLinuXino board. The next step will be merging the kernel config with the official Olimex debian image (a20_Lime_debian_3.4.90_release_1.img.7z) for the A20-OLinuXino-LIME.

This kernel config I've created by zcating the file /proc/config.gz
https://gist.github.com/cybertux/1ba524fd30eb9aa23d40 (https://gist.github.com/cybertux/1ba524fd30eb9aa23d40)