Olimex Support Forum

OLinuXino Android / Linux boards and System On Modules => A13 => Topic started by: granite_crusher on August 11, 2013, 05:34:01 PM

Title: GPS and gpsd
Post by: granite_crusher on August 11, 2013, 05:34:01 PM
did anybody succeeded with gpsd and GPS module on A13? In attempts by me using debian image (olimex 7 release) finished with hanging system. Wih Kernel 3.4 by jwischka R18, demo kinda works, but gpsd doesn't: it gets some errors about creating network... or hangs the system.
doing cat /dev/ttyS0 time to time hangs system, using kernel 3.4 less, and in kernel 3.0 nearly always.
I tried on my laptop (well its not ARM, its amd64), through serial-usb cable MOD-GPS works excellent and without even tiny stability issues.
Title: Re: GPS and gpsd
Post by: granite_crusher on August 28, 2013, 11:28:12 PM
This possibly is not good to ask questions and answer yourself, but I felt that reporting that gpsd works is worth.
I just did debian wheezy from scratch with newest linux-sunxi kernel 3.4.43+ and got gps and gpsd working with no problem without any stability issues: no hangs, system stays snappy so long as I tested for few hours. With official olimex (v7 or v6) SD image it was hanging for me either with cat /dev/ttyS0, or by python or C test GPS programs, and I couldn't get gpsd start because some network issues.
gpsd is ready solution for userspace programs which uses live gps tracking.

additionally I successfully tested GPS on UART3, so now board can be booted with GPS plugged in. And at same time UART1 can be kept using for debugging.