Board Dims of A20 Lime2

Started by Anthony_C_Smith, June 29, 2017, 01:46:06 PM

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Can you provide me with the dimensions of the A20 Lime 2 pcb with reference to a mounting hole and to pin 1 on all the expansion connectors so I can layout a carrier board.
I have downloaded the eagle cad files but they don't contain the information (mounting holes missing)
Thanks in advance



You can put the hole using the "Draw a hole" tool.

It is relatively easy to take every 2D measure you want with the Eagle (mainly since the board in question is open-hardware board and the hardware source files are available to you). You can download and open the hardware sources with the Eagle CAD software (the freeware version/license is enough) and take any measure with the "Draw a dimension" tool. The measurements should be done in the .brd file of the board design - a good idea would be to disable some of the layers for better visibility of the measurement (from Layer settings... -> Display and click to enable/disable layers).

The sources of A20-OLinuXino-LIME2 are available here (click on the documents for your hardware revision and then the RAW button to download the file):

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thanks for this,
Do you have the y axis dims



I know the dimensions are funny, that is because 1) designers used both metric and imperial system 2) they used bottom edge to line up components (that is why top and bottom connectors are not symmetrical regarding the top and bottom edges of the board).
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex