Access point with MOD-WIFI-RTL8188

Started by alekata, March 06, 2017, 11:08:16 PM

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Have anybody set this dongle working as a AP. I have tried several approaches using hostapd but there is a problem with missing 80211 driver.
After starting hostapd daemon with simple (no security enabled hostapd.config) i got the following error :
"Could not open file /sys/class/net/wlan2/phy80211/name: No such file or directoy"

I checked and there is no phy80211 device despite it is inabled in the kernel .config.

What is the solution for this problem or proven procedure to use RTL8188 as an access point ?!
In infrastructure mode, it works fine indeed !


This module should be supported out-of-the-box in the official Debian images. Are you using the official images?

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex